I myself have Zelda: Mask Of Mujula, so does Zelda Dude. We got it from a store of imports, unfortunately we can't take pictures because we have no scanners/cameras. So this is a very long analysis of Mask of Mujula, followed up by some new reports, and what we are planning on doing. Then at the bottom, your comments and what you have to say about the game.
Zelda Dudes Analysis: First off, This is just a short report. I am getting the game soon so I dont need to go into great details. Zelda:Gaiden is actually on an entirely different cart not an addon, as source confirmed just a bit ago. The game utilizes LTTP weopons giving it a more distinct route feel of a zelda game then before. These screenshots here, show you the extent of how far people will go and Nintendo will who warrant this kind of behavior to show that there was a triforce in Zelda Gaiden. With a report I and Triforceguy did, we uncovered the remnants of all the triforce temple but unlike with Ices Zelda Central who said it wrongly, it was old archaic left in data now years past it's original state. The triforce HAD every inclusion of the game, but in the present Zelda Gaiden DOES not. The 64DD which was scrapped, and then the Zelda DD game which was canned died away the last resources of it during the evolution and course of Zelda: Gaiden. These shots show you how far Nintendo and us would go to
make it seem like the Triforce WAS still in it.
I can't get the screenshots to work anymore, but here is basically a new report. The timer in Mask Of Mujula causes the overall game to be LESS then appealing, as basically you have 3 whole days to complete the game, at 12 minutes for a day (and 12 at night each). The saving is as follows: You must every single time when you want to save, use the Ocarina Of time to warp back to the beginning on day 1 at 6:00 AM. These two factors make it horribly frustrating and overall not as good as OOT. I myself since we went and did the Beta Quest Quest, have been talking to Zelda Dude extensively, and we have launched a NEW project. The Quest Of The Timer! This new team of GS hackers will hack the game itself, Mask Of Mujula and ELIMINATE the timer. Zelda Dude has already begun working on this and getting everybody on the project. There is SOMETHING In Mask Of Mujula, I know it isn't the triforce but wer'e going to be the first ones to find out what exactly. The Quest Of The Timer starts here! To Join the team, write an
email to Zelda Dude at jays_29@hotmail.com and ask to be a part of the team. Below are a few ROM pics, taken from Zelda Man's game and the website http://www.ge*cities.com/maskofmujula_2000
* MUSEUM NOTE *: The pictures in question do not seem to exist any longer.
Note: They are very blurry and were taken on a poor digital camera.
Zelda: Mask Of Mujula BLOWOUT 2000!
Hello, Triforce seeker, welcome back to the Legend Of Zelda: Mask Of Mujula section of the site. What exactly is a blowout??? A blowout is a object that gets blown up right?!? LOL well in a way, yes but today a blowout means a full entire crucifix religion devoted to Mask Of Mujula. What exactly do we mean by this?!? We mean among other things: A Full Detailed Walkthrough, brought to you exclusively and thourghly by Zelda Dude, an entire Archive of Glitches and codes, A huge Zelda Mask Of Mujula gallery of sorts, a Letters section, and an Opinions page where you can send in your very own opinion on this new Zelda, and all Zeldas beyond that. Followed by, exclusively a never before seen catalog of events and gameshark codes for you to enjoy! We'll be covering this game like it was no tomorrow, so without further ado, let's begin Zelda Dude's Walkthrough he wrote up. Don't worry, I'll be here at the very end of this to share with you basically everything I can write about this game, in the "Articles" part.
Walkthrough- Start in Caves to Finish On Moon.
"Well, let's just start off by saying the basics. You need an N64 expansion pak, or a 3DFX graphics card with Direct X 7.0 or higher support to run and play Mask Of Mujula at all, wehther on your PC or N64. Beginners, take heed to the special tips, because I'll only say this once and once is all, this game is a LOT harder then any zelda so far. The story begins and Link is riding Epona, through the forest, when all of a sudden a Stalchild shows up with 2 fairies wearing a strange mask. He knocks Link off, kicks him, repeats until he thinks hes unconcsious, and steals his horse Epona. Link grabs on and rides front and saddle on the underbelt of his horse while Stalchild takes off to the lost woods. You now get to play, and basically you are just in the regular Kokiri forest lost woods, and can break bushes and such etc to pick up items. Follow the Stalchild when you are through, deep into the lost woods. He will fall down a mystical hole, and dissapear into thin air. Just keep going, and fall down too. You'll
end up in a strange cave, at the bottom of a pit. Suddenly a cutscene starts, and a group of angry Deku Scrubs get up and surround Link. Stalchild laughs, gawking at Link's funny face and chants a spell which turns you into Deku Link. Then he leaves, and his 1 of 2 fairy partners stays near you to help, its name is chat. Take chat and go inside the cave, you'll see a series of Deku Launchers. It can be tricky, but the best way is to Launch yourself upward and out to the middle flower, then on to the other side and continue until you can cross the large gap. When you do, open the chest and grab the Deku Nuts, talk to the Deku Scrub who will laugh at you and then go inside leading to Clock Town. Once in this sewer type area, use Deku Links jumping ability to skip across the water carefully to make it to the stairs. Once at the stairs, run up and a short cutscene will start when you talk to the Happy Mask Man, who tells you the legend. Some parts actually- you have to do something to hear the rest. Basically all
he tells you so far is his special mask was stolen, it was called the Mask Of Mujula, and that he will give you something good if you get it back. Go out the doors, and you are in Clock Town. Next is a series of small minute minigames, actually pretty cool in order to get your ocarina of time, which will allow you to play the song of time and go back in time to 6:00 of the first day. Firstly, go directly toy our right and find the little stream area by going up the ramp. Grab the fairy by twirling, and take it back out and cross over to the left side of town and up the ramp. Follow the ramps up until you get to a black hall going off to your left across from a small boy guarding the entrance. The entrance you can't get to- yet. Now as you enter the grassy area, go straight ahead and into the Fairy Fountain at the peak. Give the great fairy her lost fairy, and she will reward you with a new attack, as well as healing. You can now spit bubbles as Deku Link. Go out side, and aim straight at the large balloon
with Mujulas Mask on it. Pop it, and then go talk to the kids. They will suddenly start running away, and depending on what order you catch them in, this will become your password for the area the kid you saw earlier was blocking. Run around the area twirling fast to catch the first one or two, because they are really good at giving the slip. Then run into the town, and chase down the other kids, which are hiding in various areas. Find them fast, because time is of the essence. Catch them finally, then take the password numbers they give you, and give them to the kid blocking the entrance you saw. He will move, allowing you free passage into a series of caves. Follow the way and kill the Skulltula spiders that hang with your Deku Bubbles. Skip across the water on a series of platforms, to get to the other side. Once there, shoot the great Skulltula, so he falls down and dies. Now go past the passage and find the next room which has another balloon. Pop it, and continue up the ladder. Don't see the scarecrow
rigt now, but run up the stairs to the labratory top. Talk to the man in blue who tells you about the moon, and he will let you use the telescope. Focus in on the Clock Tower top, and you will see Mujula giving you the butterfly. Then the moon will drop a large blue tear, run straight ahead to the door across from the scope and go outside. Once outside pick up the tear, then take it back into Clock Town, right by the Clock Tower. Wait for the flying Deku to fly down and perch itself, then talk to him and hand him the tear using C. He will fly off after giving you a map, and now you can use that launcher. By now if you took too much time it should be day 3, and you will need to do the next part. But if you are ahead of the game, check out these neat sidetrips you can take. Heart Piece: Take the map you got from the deku to the Inn which is located through the Dark Hall straight to your left up the ramp when you exit the Clock. The door is the first on the left with a funny sign. Go inside and take the map to
the back of the inn by following the halls. When you get to the kitchen, face out and look across to a small alcove right next to the Inn Counter hidden from view. Go to the alcove, and talk to the weird hand who pops up and use C to give him the map. He will give you a heart piece. Bomb Upgrade: If you collected 20 rupees, you can get a bomb upgrade to 20 bombs, by going to the store at the top of the alley on the right side of town. It's the door right before the soldier standing watch. Heart Piece: The other heart piece you can get now is really easy. Go use the Deku Launcher and fly up to the top of the clock tower where the heart piece is. Now, time should be short so just read the next section. Showdown with Mujula: At 0:00 on the third day, you should be standing on the top of the clock, and the clock will open up revealing a passageway to the very peak roof you saw earlier. Run upstairs, and Stalchild wearing Mujulas Mask will be glaring at you and holding your Ocarina of Time! He will cause the moon to come down faster, so you only have 5 minutes left! Use Deku Link to pop the guy and he will drop the Ocarina Of Time. Pick it up, and a small cutscene will start in which Link remembers the time Zelda taught him the Song Of Time, in a temple far far away. Play the song as he remembers it, and Link will mystically be transported back in time to Day 1 0:00. A cutscene will ensue, in which the Happy Mask man tells you of how the horrible transformation took place, when one day he fell into this world called Talmina(where you are now) and a Stalchild who lead him there, stole his most prized magic mask, the Mask Of Mujula. He tells you that he warned Stalchild the powers that this mask are great, and can transform the wearer into something awful. Never the less Stalchild used it and became evil, when the Mask of Mujula took him over summoning a large drawn out moon to come and destroy his home planet, Talmina. He then turns you back into your old self for helping him, by teaching you a new song called the Song Of Healing. And gives you the Deku Mask, so you can wear it and transform into Deku Link at any time. You should now have your shield and sword, and be able to enter the overworld. Wait until night and talk to the windmill man by the stream, he will give you the bird mask. Warp back to day 1 and begin againt to save time. Don't stick around clock town, as time is short, and unless you use a special Mask of Mujula cheat code, you'll be watching the Armageddon ending many many times. Run out to the guard, talk to him and he will allow you to pass. Ahead is a series of areas, each area hides a series of Dungeons, and one Guardian Mask, which is the key to Defeating Mujulas Mask and stopping the moon. Go to the right and past the 2 posts, then speed up time if possible to the third day, if not wait. Walk past the boulder at this point, and enter the Romani Ranch. Run up to the left hand side and enter to see a weird guy by a tree. Put on the Bird Mask and talk to him, then start marching around and gather all the chicks up. Once you gather all of the chicks, march to the tree and the man will give you the bunny ears. Exit Romani Ranch back to overworld, and play the song of time and save back on day 1, then exit the guards post again. Go straight ahead to the first area, and run through to the large brown tree. This swampy area is now the home of the species of Deku. As soon as you approach the brown tree, a cutscene will start and the entire plot of how Stalchild always used to be so nice, playing to and from the Lost woods in his mystical magic, when the Happy Mask Man came and he stole a special mask. The Mask Of Mujula, turned Salchild evil, and put a curse on the land causing the moon to crash into his world and destroy everything. They once played together at this tree, and they even carved their initials in it. As it ends, walk on. Kill the plant creatures and slugs or bats that come along for rupees and hearts and keep on going north. You'll come to a large bog which houses a Boathouse and a Bazaar. Pass this area, and swim onwars through the river to the next rise. Surface here and walk across. You will see a treehouse, which is home of a Potion selling witch. Go into the area directly behind here, and enter the woods. A monkey will be here, follow it into the woods and tag along behind it to know the right way through. Come to the end avoiding the turtles if possible, and talk to the injured witch. She needs a potion, so she can fly. Run out of the woods and back to the Potion Shop. Go up the ladder and talk to the Potion Witch. She will give you a red Potion for her friend in the woods as well as your first bottle. Take it back to the woods as before, and talk to the witch. When she says hand it to her with the C button, press the C button its on and let her drink it. She will get revived again and fly up out over to the first bog where you saw the boat house. Go there now, and get the camera from her. Then take the boat on a ride into the poisionous bog killing the large Octoroks on the way. When the boat
stops, get off and turn into deku link. Run inside the Deku Palace and talk to the Dekus who are distressed because of the poision. Talk to the King Deku, and he will tell you that the princess was kidnapped by the guardian, and that you must rescue her. Take a picture of him to use for later on. Go back out and turn to the left. Go through the hall and you will enter a hard part which is longer and more complex then the Hyrule Castle Game of sneaking past the guards in OOT. Heart Piece: Since you have time, now would be a good time to go back and get a heart piece. Go to the boathouse which isn't very far, and give the picture to the man there. He will hand you a heart piece, so you'll have 4 hearts entering the Guardians dungeon. Wait until night is easiest, and watch their long yellow light beams that shine up the area to see where they are looking. Run when they aren't looking towards you and go past them. Keep doing this until you find the hole located by the torch. Make sure you got a nice supply of
rupees, because you need to buy a special bean. Below here there are black poisons, kill them withy our sword and shoot the skulltulus with deku link. Climb the vines and kill the flowers, then enter the next part. Get past the deku and head strafing along the sides, to the north most area. Continue along to the left until you see another grotto hole. Fall in and go down to the left into a area where the Bean Selling guy is. Buy a bean from him, and get back out. Run out and get caught so you are thrown to the entranc unless you want the heart piece. Heart Piece: Go to the left from the grotto, avoding the deku and grab the heart piece here carefully. At the entrance, go to the left and follow the lily pads timing your jumps so you hit them on count 4 and 5. When you finally reach the other bankment, climb up and plant the magic bean here. If you know the cheat song that speeds up time, play it to speed up the next day or so. If not, you'll have to wait until day 2 when it begins to rain. Now get on the
grown up magic bean and take it to the next level of this area. Go inside the door and get in the deku launcher. You must time it just right so you can land easily on the moving platforms, or else it can be a chore. Once on the first moving platform, face to your left and shoot the Deku Scrub in the other launcher aacross. Launch over to it, and repeat then spin to the platform moving in the other room, and shoot the one across from this platform. Keep going and shooting the deku inside the next room to make your way across. When you get on the second to last floating platform, shoot the hidden deku in the pillar across and then launch over to it landing nicely on it while its moving. Hit the next deku and launch across and on the floating platform that is moving down east. Take this platform all the way over, and launch right onto the one that is heading back and forth from west to east and then straight up. On this last platform, time your launch so you float easily into the little alcove above, and enter. The monkey in here is tied up, and you can't help him so take out your ocarina and talk. He will teach you a new song, one which will open the entrance to the guardians dungeon. Now exit this area, and head from the entrance to the left, skipping along the lily pads on count 4 or 5. You will get finally to a area which you can burn to get a spider hunt, but from here for now you shouly past that and keep hopping the lily pads till you make it on the large flower with the launcher. Use this flower to launch way up high and land on the cliff with the strange stone. An owl will appear as you take out your ocarina, and teach you the owl song which will let you warp to any of the owl statues around the world. Use the launcher here and launch to the next cliff, and enter behind the alcove to the large bog area. Skip over the lilys to your left and get a heart piece, then go back to the original start. Skip over to the right and onto the log walking up and shooting dekus as you go. Keep going along here and follow
the logs carefully making sure to jump at each point so you land on the next part. when you reach the southern most area, launch upward and to the hut which has a owl statue on it. Hit it with your sword, and play the song on the large stone circle you learned from the monkey. This will open up the guardians dungeon. Launch across, and enter. The dungeons pretty straight forward. In the first room, look up and around and shoot the skulltulus on the other side from the launchers on either side of the room. Then Launch your way all the way across unless you want the fairy. If so, float down and catch this fairy quickly then return before the poisons come and get you. When you are on the other side, enter the door. Kill the plant on your left and down below on the log, and skip across to the weird flower things. They are in animation so they won't bite yet. Skip across the poison to the right hand room and enter. Skip across this room in an order to the left so you can get the key, then enter the door straight ahead and fight a miniboss. 3 Turtles: Remember the 3 turtles from the woods? Well they are here, and impossible to kill without deku link. To kill them, get in the launchers and ait till they roll over you and fire upwards hitting them on their soft spot. Hit them 3 times each and a chest will appear. Get it to get the map. Exit the area, and go straight to your right as you enter the main room again. Go inside using the key to find a unfortunate surprise for you. Fire Lizardlfos: He breathes fire, and he's mean. Strafe and slash to beat him while dodging fire. Then the chest will appear, open it to get the bow and arrows. Now heac back out of this place and from the main room go right again. Enter the new door, and push the block forward to get past then shoot the skulltula with an arrow. Go across this area and push the block out again so you can go right. Go back to the torch and have one deku stick ready. Light it and run with the bunny ears to the right as fast as you can while staying away from moths.
Light this torch, and the door will open. 3 Turtles Return: You know how to beat these guys, just do it again. Now you have the compass. Go back to the hall and light the torch again with a deku stick, and run upstairs with the bunny ears and light the new torch, then fire an arrow at the skulltula. Light the next torch againa nd jump across the platforms to the cobweb and burn it. Enter. Its pitch black, and you have to race around the room with the deku stick to light all the torches with all these annoying bats and poisons. Light them all and get out fast. You are back in the main room now one level up. Go to the doors that are unlocked and follow the passage along the wall to the final nasty boss. Frog Riding Turtle: A real nuiscance, these guys are hard. They will toss and tackle you stomp you and practically mutilate you! Whats a little deku to do?? Get in the launcher. Wait till he runs over you and pop up hitting his turtles underside and popping him off. He will run so Z target and then shoot and hit him with arrows as many times before he gets back on. Repeat, and he will get faster, so its good to have the bunny ears on. When he is dead finally, the chest will appear holding the big key. Go back out, and shoot the eye across the way to make the little launcher float up. Launch to it and across and enter this new room. Use Deku Link to launch yourself up and shoot the skulltulas and bats so they aren't a problem. When up near the top on the right hand side, shoot the switch then launch over qu9ickly to the top of the roof and then onto the pillar while the fires down. Launch from then to the next part and to the edge on the other side. Enter for the guardian fight. Guardian Boss Otooku: (i think is how you spell it) This guardian is hard! He is harder then any of the Zelda Bosses you've seen before you'll notice right away how hard the bosses are compared to previous. He will run around the room, swing a deadly 30 foot sword, breath a ring of fire, use his magic to sick a horde of angry moths on you, and call forth annoying things from the ceiling that spit. To kill him, avoid his sword attack while Z targeting and do A and B at same time. Link will do a jumping sword slash which will knock him over. Repeat and repeat and repeat constantly. I swear this is the best way there is. This will kill him easily, and without hassle. Otherwise you'll be having a heck of fight. If you miss a jump slash try to get him on the next one because he moves fast. Once he's dead a heart container will appear as well as a guardian mask. Enter and see a cutscene about the Guardians, and recieve a new song. Exit this area and it will be all flooded out, the poison, enter the little cave and slash the cobweb, put the Deku Princess in a bottle, then run back out and swim to Deku Village. Meet the Deku King, and he will thank you for bring the princess back and celebrate. You now have 1 guardian mask. Don't think the next 3 guardians dungeons will be any walk in the park either, I can assure you they ain't. Warp back to day 1, and this time when you exit the place by the guard, go directly behind to the area which is covered in snow. Walk up here and shoot the stalactite by using Z targeting and arrow to clear the ice. Run through into the next area, and see a large lodge. Don't go hre yet, wait. Go ahead and up to the left hand area, and pop the guys balloon who has a mask, so you know this area more. Buy the map and run across the bridge. Gorons home has been frozen over, basically because the guardian who lives on the mountain is why. Run across the area behind the Gorons home to a place where the owl is. Talk to him, then very carefully without the bunny ears on, jump across to the areas his feathers fall. Do this quickly, and don't slide too far as you go. Make it to the other side and enter the cave. Kill the bats and pickup the Lens Of Truth. Put it on to see a ghost goron standing, who will start to run and say to follow. Follow him carefully across the invisible platforms and hop across as its much easier now. Once on the other side, follow the gorin on a race up the slopes, and into the bridge area. Follow him down the mountain to the lodge, and use the lens of truth to see a ladder extending from the ice across the stream next to the lodge. Climb up following the goron, and do it quickly by switching to the new ladders as you go upwards the large structure. Run in and talk to the goron in his shrine, and he will give you the goron mask. Put it on to turn into a goron. Push the pillar behind him out of the way and grab the hot spring in a bottle. Roll out of here fast and to the bridge area, then to the grotto and use the spring water to melt the ice over it, fall down and kill the plants and get some more hot spring. Roll down the mountain and gain speed, and knock the largest snowball apart revealing a frozen goron. Unfreeze her, and upon doign it she will teach you the Gorons Lullaby she sings to her baby. Go back out of the bridge area, to the lodge and face the northern section then run up. Use the goron roll and gain speed,
making it over the large obstacles and gaps. Make it to the top and hit the owl statue so you don't have to repeat. Play Gorons Lullaby as Goron Link and the large Goron blowing wind blocking your path falls into the canyon in a deep sleep. Walk across carefully, hitting the snowballs as you go. Once across the skinny section, roll up the hill and punch the wolfos so they are killed, then roll to the right around the ice castle. Get to the large spiralling road and roll up it, knockign the snowballs out of the way, and up to the top. Take off the goron mask and enter. Open the door and you will see 3 rooms. Go to the right first, kill the wolfoss in the way. In this large ice room there are ice breathing nuiscances from the Ice Cavern dungeon in OOT. Hit them with arrows and then roll with speed to jump the gap when the path is clear. Hit the boxes and things to get supplies, then enter the room down the path. In the main room, you will see doors leading around every which area, and at the top a door which is the bosses room. The pillar in the middle must be moved upward to that level first. Go across to the first doors and enter this area, wind around and kill the enemeis as you go and get the compass before heading upstairs. In the net room, shoot the stalactites from the ceiling all of them so you can cross easily to the other side. Go through the next door and in this room turn into goron link again. Stomp the sqitch using a and b, and use the bunny ears to hop across. Switch back to goron and stomp the switch here, then land on the switch you just stomped and stomp on it. Turn into link and leap onto the switch across from you which is just level with the cliffside and leap from it with the bunny ears then run through the door to the next area. Turn into goron link, and speed across the large chasm. Now use Goron Link to do a side roll along the curving wall to your right until you get to the next bridge, which also has a door by it. Ignore the door and speed across the next bridge and enter. Big wonderful
miniboss you meet which appears in almost every dungeon afterwards. Fire Caster: He casts fire in all directions, and makes clones of himself, but in this case its ice. Turn into goron link and as he pops up and spins to get ready, hit him one. Do this again and once more, and he will call his clones. Ignore the shadowy ones, and follow the Light colored one with Z targeting and nail him before he shoots. Once he's dead, a chest will appear containg the fire arrows. Head back out now and roll back to the area of the first bridge. Shoot the Ice here blocking the way with a fire arrow, and run upstairs. You'll be in a higher section of the main room. Just roll spin to the other side following the right wall, and enter the door. Here you will have some fun. Melt the ice above the eye to make something raise up, and get the map. Now exit this area at the bottom, and you will be standing back in the original main hallway. Use a fire arrow on the ice blocking this area, and enter the Main circular room again. run across, and find the large room witht the icicles in it. Kill all the freeze monsters, and get to the door area carefully without falling off the ice. Once inside, stomp the switch as a goron. The pillar in the Main circular room will rise to the top. Exit this area, and find the room with the map again. Hit the eye and make the platform raise, now go back into the main room. You will be in front of the pillar, with blue blocks in your line of view. Hit them with Gorons punch so they fall out of the way. Keep hitting them until its level with the broken bridge, and get on the pillar and hit the snowballs out of the way to go up the stairs. Enter this little room, and kill the lizarldflos, both and have a key handy. Exit and speed up, ready to jump the gap to the other side, then enter. He's back! Fire Caster: Well now he has 6 hits, how nice. And he will thrown more buddies. Hit him just like before, and enter the room to the left to get the big key. Exit, and go all the way back down, enter the bottom lava
room and hit the switch here while avoiding the skulls to make the pillar rise all the way to the very top. Now come back the same way, and get into the top most door by going upstairs and walk across the pillar. Enter the bosses door. Boss Graoku: (i think is what he's called) The second guardian, requires you being Goron Link the entire time, isn't that great? Well start off by unfreezing him with a fire arrow, then z target and roll behind him the large bull, twisting around the caverns and hitting the pots to get magic refills all the time. Spin and hit him avoiding his shocks, so he gets knocked down. he can be quite hard. Hit him repeatedly while he's down, and then roll behind while avoiding bobms and such other things. Keep him Z targeted and rolling into him when close, and after 9-10 hits he blows up in the wall. Grab the heart container, and get the guardian mask then watch the cutscene. Afterwards you will be back outside, play the owl song and warp back to the lodge area. Now go back to the right path you were on when you learned Gorons Lullaby, and enter the Gorons village. Here you need to go into the large cave by the Gorons houses, and roll down. Pay Big Goron a nice 100 rupees to get a big bomb, or for an easier way, warp to clock town and buy one for 50 in the shop in the alley by wearing a goron mask at the goron. Once you have a big bomb, run to the big boulder to the left of when you enter the bridge area on Goron mountain and blow it up. The baby goron will stop crying, and run inside. Follow her to the Goron races, and prepare to race. Keep to the inside of the tracks to win this pretty straight forward, and make it to the finish line in first without hitting alot of barriers. She will give you a new bottle, filled with a special item to get you a better sword. You can get this special sword now if you have the time, otherwise you will have to repeat the races again, but not the boss. In fact, for now on you can just ue the fire arrows to get the big bomb, or get one alot cheaper in clock town! You will need these devices often. If you're still on the second day, run to the lodge and enter ask for your sword to be upgraded and hand them the potion. They will work on your sword, so either play the time speed up song (if you know it) or wait till the last day. Enter and get your sword, which has been refined with the mineral to a 3rd degree, so you can keep it forever! Once you have the blue sword or if you don't, warp back to day 1. Buy a big bomb from the clock town shop for 50 rupees. To get 50 rupees easily, kill a dodongo outside with arrows. To get 200 rupees, slash the Eagle 5 times with your super sword that lies by the large posts! Take the big bomb in your inventory to the entrance of Romani Ranch on Day 1. Place it, and the carpenter will run away, and it will explode destroying the boulder. Run inside and meet a Malon look alike who is at least 6 years old or younger. Talk to her, and you will notice Epona! She has come to this strange ranch and is being kept! The girl will let you
ride Epona, and you will have to do a poe obstacle course. Shoot all the poes and win, then talk to her and she will teach you eponas song and she lets you keep epona! Now wait until 2:00 if you want, and do the real thing to keep all the poes away from her until morning. Her and the cows are abducted by UFOS and poes if you don't keep shooting. Once 6:00 hits, talk to her and she iwll give you a 3rd bottle. Wait until the evening of the second day for a added bonus: When her older sister is riding in the carriage, talk to her and go on her trip to deliver Milk. Shoot the bandits from the other ranch with arrows and keep them from the Milk through the time period she delivers the milk. When complete, she gives you the Romani Mask which makes you look like a cow! Now that you have epona, Warp back to Day 1. You now need to track down a fourth bottle for the next part. The fourth bottle is hidden in a dungeon under Ikana Graveyard. Where is Ikana Graveyard? When you enter the overworld, ride epona to the left
most mountain area and over the fences past the bombs. Climb up the area and run through. In Ikana Graveyard, there is a strange gravedigging man and also a hut. Play the song of Awakening you learned from the first dungeon by the Skeleton, and he will wake up! Boss: Graveyard Skeleton- He will try to knock you out of his way using fire and other skeletons. Knock the skeletons down with your sword, and follow him by Z targeting constantly and fire rapid arrows. When hes stunned, wait for the fire to subside and run up and jump slash him. Then the real fight will begin. He will try to stomp on you from above, just roll and jump slash at him. After 5 times, he will fall over and congradulate you. Run up the mountain to to the large chest inside is the Skull Mask. You need this to enter the Graveyard Dungeon. Wait until night, and with the skull mask talk to the skeletons circling the gravestone. Choose choice 2, and enter. Follow the first part of this underground dungeon using the Lens Of Truth, into a room
with bats. Slay them, and light the 3 torches with your fire arrow. Time for a real tough fight. Boss 1: Ikana AxeKnight.- This guy is by far just VERY tough. Don't even get close, because one hit will take off 5 hearts each time. Stand your distance, then jump slash at him! Jumpslash at him 6 times to defeat him. Suddenly a Poe will appear! He laughs evilly saying you will never escape and teleports away. Go to his area and push a to learn the Song Of Storms. Exit completely, now wait until the second night....
Talk to the skeletons again, this time they will open up a new grave. Fall down to the second part. Use the lens of truth and make it across the next area is filled with invisible enemies and platforms. Quickly kill all the enemies and run across. Enter the room to left. It's another one! Boss: Ikana Axeknight 2.- This guy can't take off as many hearts, only 4 a piece but makes up for it with more hits. Sway out of his way and jump slash him. 8 hits will knock him out, then the big chest appears.. containg a heart piece! Grab it and get out. Wait until the third day. Talk to the skeletons on the third day, and enter the hole. You will meet the odd gravedigger here who needs help hunting for poes! Help him by z targeting him and slowly walking so he follows you. Walk to the middle mound and tell him to dig. A poe spirit will appear!! Now take him to the next mound, over to the right up top. Stand on one platform while he gets on and ride it up having z target on him the whole time. When at the top have him dig and another poe spirit will be found! Go back down and to the left hand area, up top on the platform. Do the same thing to get you both on the platform, and rise up there then dig. The 3rd poe spirit will be found! Her will thank you when just then, the Poe King shows his face! Boss: Ikana Poe King.- This guys just plain nasty! He can move and strafe, swirl his lantern and knock you from behind while invisible! Wait until he is there and shoot arrows. Hit him hard, so he gets knocked back. Hit him 6 times with the arrows and a sword slash to knock him out. The big chest appears. Open it for the fourth bottle!!! Now that you have it, play the song of time back to day 1. Now take epona this time all the way to the right when exiting from the main, towards the beach. Jump across with her, and enter the dried up Zoras Domain. Since it is completely dried up, hardly anything is living except cactuses. So stay on epona! Get in the water and swim out. Chat will say there is a zora lying out there. Swim out to it and talk to it. It will not respond so push it to shore from behind. Talk to it and it will get up telling its story of how it always sang beautiful songs for its love, in concert stages and how he longs to see her again, and how desolate their world is without water and dried up wastelands. Then he will fall over and die, from the heat. You can't do anything now, except play the Song Of Healing, which will turn him into the Zora Mask. Put it on, and watch his grave before moving on. Now, you should go underwater to the right and run along the bottom with B. keep going to the right until you get to a large fort. Move along the wall until you see Pirate Insignia. Four plates of Pirates symbols will be there. Smash the left middle one, to gain entrance to the next Dungeon Pirates fortress. The objective here is to sneak past the guards which is alot mroe complex and daunting then Gerudos Fortress. You must also get the longshot, and get all 4 eggs here in bottles you brought along. As Zora Link, move slowly and
dive down to the bottom of the water underneath. Run along here and get to the pipe on the other side, then slowly surface back up tilly our head is just beneath the water. Wait till all 4 ships go by, and run up the ramp then up again to the large switch. Stomp it with goron Link, then head back carefully without being spotted. Once underwater, dive screw over to the right hand side through the large grate to enter the underwater part. Swim through and avoid the mines, and get up on top and run through the door. In the next couple of rooms, there are some tricky spots. The first room will have a switch with a cage containing a heart piece, and also a crystal switch above that can be hit with a bow. Run up with Goron Link and smash all the barrels so a switch is revealed, then stomp it and hurry to the cage and grab the heart piece, and anything else in here. Hit the crystal with an arrow, to activate the grate underwater opening. Swim through quickly before it closes, and into a hard part. Swim under the
mines, but over the jet stream which is pushing you back out side of the area into large open water in the beginning. When you make it to the other side, enter. Kill any creatures here, and climb the ladder to peek through a scope. Watch how all the guards move and study their patterns because next you have to get past them. Shoot an arrow at the mine to make it explode, and out of the way of the crystal. Then shoot it, and the bars around the door will lift. Run through and you will be in the actual fortress inner area you peeked through at. Sneak past the first guard and shoot her with an arrow on the left, then make your way up the ramp. Go inside here to activate a short cutscene where the Pirate Captain is. Take a picture of her, for later. Now shoot the beehive inbetween the bars so it drops, and all the guards run and leave. Enter the room and open the big chest. Take the long shot now and hook up to the ceiling above the first fish tank. Drop in as zora link, and kill all the enemies or shoot them
with arrows from above first. Now get the Egg in a bottle, and leave this area. When back out to where all the guards are, watch closely the one walking to the left and around. Shoot her, and then shoot any of the other guards and long shot to the other target across the way. Now enter the black hall area by using your longshot, and go around the alcove avoiding the guard, to the first boss. Boss: Pirate Chief.- Pretty fast this pirate will try to slice you quickly. Hookshot to stun her then jumpslash and hit her for a quick kill. GO in the room behind her, and hookshot up to the next fish tank following the same strategy as before, and grabbing the egg. Leave back to the main area of the guards. Shoot every guard now including the center one then dart out with the bunny hood to the ladder and climb up. At the top, shoot the guard at the other end of the bridge. Now grab any pickups and enter the next hall. Sneak past the guard while its going down the other hall and run past to the door. Enter for boss fight 2. Boss: Pirate Marksman.- Just circle and hookshot then jumpslash 2 times, which should knock her out if not slash again. Then go behind the room she was guarding and hook the ceiling above the tank again, drop down in with no enemies around and get the egg then exit to the main area. Once back outside, drop all the way over to your right, to pick up some hearts if you need them, then drop back down and hookshot the target to your right. Up here Hookshot to the next target above, then from there hookshot to last target across the chasm. Once there, hit the guard at the other end of the bridge with an arrow, run past her and through the door. Hit every guard here with a hookshot so they are on the ground, then open the chest with 100 rupees using the bunny hood, and run in the door. Last time. Boss: Pirate Captain.- This one has some tricks, she will try to backflip out of the way and then slash you from the side, so cunningly sidestep her and hookshot, then jump slash at least 3 times until she falls. Go
around the area behind her and hook to the last ceiling and inside kill the clam and get the egg. Exit the pirates fortress or just get thrown out. Its time to visit the lab scientist! Back at the shore, gain speed underwater with zora link, and shoot out of the water so you land on the large brown floating island. It may take a few tries, but do it and hit the owl statue so you don't have to repeat. Ride up the ladder and talk to the scientist, then drop all the eggs in the large fish bowl at the back of the lab which is empty. Once all the fish eggs are gone, its time for the next quest. Go back outside and ride underwater on the bottom of the ocean to the right till you see some rocks and a sign. Enter the area, and get in front of the first sign. This signpost maze is hard. It is trickier then the Haunted Wasteland. And before you do this, show the picture of the captain to the guy at the house on shore and he will give you his seahorse, take this with you on your trip. Starting at the first sign, look
right and follow its arrows passing only 2 signs, at the third sign stop and look where its pointing. It may look like doom, but follow it exactly forward in its diagonal direction to reach the next target on the other side. Then from here, do a diagonal twist to the oppisite side, and then watch this sign post very carefully, as it hints one way but you really must go the other. Go straight ahead to the next target, and follow this one clear diagonally to the far far far left hand side, and from here follow that one very carefully diagonally down to the right and ahead. You made it! Get ready for some eel busting! As soon as you enter this area, a horde of enormous eels will come out of their holes popping their heads that look worse then the one from Mario64. Start by using your R buttong and Z target a Eel as it pops its head out. Hit it and thrash it 3 times, so it dies. Go behind it to look for an egg, if not go to the next one. Kill all the eels by using the screw attack, or by standing at the edge of
their hole and using the boomerang as they pop out. Once they are all dead, collect the last 3 eggs in bottles, and take the seahorse to its friend seahorse behind one of the eels. Upon completing this you will get a heart piece! Exit this area by leaving and just going to any area and being phased out. Back at the scientist, put all the eggs in the bowl, and watch them hatch into tadpoles and spell out notes. Talk to them and the guy and they will teach you the Bossanova Of The Sea Horse as Zora Link. Now exit as it is time to go to Zoras Hole. The Zoras have retreated to a very deep underwater area which is secluded and far enough from the heat to not be fatal. Run inside, and talk to the music group members in various rooms, also the heart piece on a book case can't be gotten right now, but note its location. Enter the door outside and talk to the lady Zora. She will think you are her Boyfriend because of what you are wearing and how similar you look(you have his mask) but then realize it couldn't be true. She longs to sing for a kingdom which isn't plagued by heat and desolance, and says the great turtle hasn't awoken for a very long time. Play the Bossanova of the Sea Horse and suddenly the island ahead of you, will transform into a giant sea going turtle! She will be excited that the turtle was reawakened, and thinks there may be hope left for her kingdom and talks how the Guardian dreid everything up, and the only way in is through a secret underwater entrance and storms are so violent there no Zora could tolerate it. She asks the turtle to take Link there, and defeat the guardian so her kingdom can be in peace again in honor of her boyfriend. The Sea tortoise agrees to take Link, and Chat says to get moving. Get on the tortoise by hookshotting on the trees to watch an interesting cutscene. The pirates ship are making their way to the Demons Island to get a secret buried treasure. A huge violent tornado rises up like a funnel and shoots their ship high into the air, where they all get lost and fall below.
Enter Demons Island using the sea tortoise, to reach the 3rd Guardians lair, Great Bay Dungeon. Light all the torches using a fire arrow, and a secret treasure will appear containing a Heart Piece. Get it and go inside. Great Bay is almot entirely underwater, with large machines, and steaming hot vats of liquid which has caused the air to be so hot and the beach to get dreid up. Get on the platform to your right and walk up shooting the skulltulus. Now get back in the water, and underwater hit a switch which will activate the water pillar to rise. Go back the platform and jump on the water pillar then across to the other side and enter the main hall. The large circular Turbine is turning the water in Violent circles so that huge storms and other odd occurences occur everywhere, as well as the strange climactic heated conditions which plague everywhere. The object is to get the turbine shut off, but you can't shut it down really, only reverse it which undoes everything. To do this, you need to hit switches.
Jump in the water and sink to the bottom and run through while its spinning. Surface in this room quickly and shoot the octoroks. Get on the pipe at the other side and run across. Enter the room and kill the slugs as Link then into the next door. Bad Miniboss. Miniboss: Eye Mold- He will remind you of a hellish version of the boss from Links DX and Zelda LTTP. He's covered with almost 50 eyes, and a real project. To activate the fight look up. When he flies down to the bottom and starts circling with all his eyes, hook shot hook shot hook shot repeatedly and slash! You have to keep doing this and moving around the room or you'll get creamed. I recommend having 4 fairies, and refilling to 4 fairies again after killing all the minibosses. As you hookshot and slash, watch for the moment when his eye is more ulnerable when you've taken down 10 eyes or so, then shoot it with an arrow. Do this again and remove more eyes from him as you do it gets easier and easier to hit his eyeball with an arrow. As you hit him
and he gets down to about 15 eyes left, he will let them all bounce around the room and he will zoom back and forth trying to hit you! Talk about a challenge. Stand in a corner is easiest slashing the eyes away, then wait till he comes up and slash his big eyeball! When there are 5 eyes left in the room he will just zoom around like a zippy rabbit just hit him in the eye with a slash and this fight is complete. Afterwards pick up the Large Chest for the Ice Arrows. Leave the area back to the room you were in and go off the pipe to the section of room on the other side. Freeze the octorok with an ice arrow, and climb it then jump up to the platform and turn this switch to start the objective. Now exit, and swim to the middle section underwater in the redgreen area. Speed swim so you fall right into this area, surface and get on the ledge then use an ice arrow and freeze the water to the platform on the other side of the room, and also pick up the map. When you get to the other side, enter and wait till the
slug is standing by the platform, shoot it with an icearrow climb on top and hit the switch on the platform. Exit the room, and start swimming below or just drop with B. Now Z target the arm things and hit them with your Zorarangs. Once their dead, swim through the passage. Enter this area and hit all the mutated plants with your Zorarangs, then check the area above where you came in to get a fairy if you want. Enter the area on the other side, and leap across to get the compass, but fall underwater in this room and kill the mutated plants to get a key. Take the key with you and exit using the jet stream to take you out underwater. Get on the propeller on the turbine, and run to the ladder. Freeze the water pillar with an ice arrow and continue up. In this room, freeze the water so you can get to the switch, hit it and then exit once again. Go back to the room where you found the key underwater, and freeze the water to get to another door on the other side. Enter it with the key. Hard miniboss. Miniboss 2:
Amphibian Slime- This creature from the original Zelda Gaiden shots is right here and really bad! The only way to defeat this mutant, is to wait till it runs apart from its slime and hit it with an arrow, this is when it collects into one large slime. Z target it with the bunny hood and run strafing along the walls backwards, then shoot it with an ice arrow! This will freeze it and make it drop, or hit it with an arrow for faster, then Z target the frog and hit him to make him continue. After 8 Hits, he will die just watch out for the Slime to catch you and beat you up then throw you across the room! Enter the next room and get the Big Key from the chest. Go back to the turbine room and out to the very first room you entered. Use the longshot to hoot to the target above the water pillar which is now active, and ride it up to the platfrom with the last switch. Hit it, and the turbine will stop. Leap in the water and hit the switch above water on the left, and the platforms will rise making the turbine reverse course! Enter the turbine room and go down to the bottom, go through the green hall to this area, surface and get on the pipes to hit this switch, then ride up the pillar of water which spurts out in front of you to the boss door. Enter the door and fall down the pit for the toughest Guardian yet. Boss: Gyoaku- This guy takes alot of punishment, and gives out plenty! Stay on the middle platform, and in the center with your zora mask out and bow and arrow. As soon as he jumps across, Z target him and hit him with an arrow. When hes stunned turn into Zora Link fall into the water, and hit him with your slash attack quickly before he wakes up!!! Then get out of there FAST!! He will suck you in if you don't which takes out about 3 hearts each time! Not that much, except that he can do this 3 consecutive times in one turn!!! So move FAST!! Once out of the water repeat this process! You must hit him about 8 times with the slash attack, after 4 he will bring out his fish friends who can take off ahalf heart each
bite, so stay away from them and keep him on a different side! Have about 4 fairies at least. When he dies, grab the heart container and the mask, and watch the short cutscene. Zoras world will turn back to normal, and the Great Bay Of Decay will be destroyed thanks to you. Once the water and conditions turn back to normal, Visit Zoras hole for a neat surprise! The girl will thank you and will do this by playing a song! Play it with her whole band as they celebrate the return, then leave. Now you are 3 Guardians down, and only 1 to go. Remember that strange Poe back in Ikana Graveyard Dungeon? He didn't go very far.. Warp back to day1, and use Epona to ride to the area near Romani ranch. Instead, turn left and enter this area. The ingo brothers will issue you a challenge. Accept it and win this tough race course against both masters!! When you win you will get the Poes Mask. Gallop across from the ranch area to the clear left hand side past the bomb rats and jump over the fence again. Put on the Poe Mask, and talk to the Poe sitting on the cliff just west of Ikana graveyard. He will dissapear and turn into a tree! Hookshot up it, to reach a mountain area with boulders, pass them quickly and the rogue goron to the top. Enter Ikana Valley. This once peaceful valley for citizens to vacation is now home of vicious mummies, angry spirits, and deadly gremlins. Move around this area carefully, and freeze the two stupid Octoroks to get to the first level. Hookshot up from here to the next level, then the next, then look up straight above you north a little bit to see the next one. Hookshot up here and hookshot over to the tree on the cliff. Hit the owl statue, and enter the area. The entire stream of water supply has been completely cut off because of some dastardly demons. Run quickly past the mummies avoiding to get caught, as they take off more then redeads. Now enter the large cave opening ahead and the Poe from Ikana Graveyard Dungeon will appear! He will say that you should never have come, and that now you will die slowly! He will then drain your life bit by bit taking off a piece of heart each time! Play the Song Of Storms you learned back then, and suddenly the lake will clear up, the water will turn back, the poison will clear and the music house will start playing,all the mummies will die at the same time the poe will get angry and dissapear! He says that you haven't seen the last of him! Go out of there and go to the music house. Stray a distance from it, and be close enough to spy. Watch the little girl run out of her house, when she is far enough from view run to her house and enter. Go downstairs and open to see a poor man who was turned into a mummy! Play the song of healing and he will be normal and thank you. It turns out he is a field researcher who has been here for ages, before the time of Mujula had come. He will give you the Gibudo Mummy Mask, whcih he dug up from one of his sites. Put it on to look like a mummy. Exit the area and warp to Zoras Domain. You want to get the fifth bottle about now, so heres how. Go to the area by the waterfall, where if you fall down and kill the like like underwater you get a heart piece. Get the heart piece, then go to the log above it, stand from there as link and hookshot to the tree. Follow the tree ledges around with the hookshot until you enter the secret cave above the waterfall. Go inside and talk to the beavers. Turn into Zora Link, and race them by going through all the ring sunder the time limit. The second time requires you getting very precise at zooming through the circles quickly without straying. Beat both of them to recieve the 5th bottle!! Go to the grottos and pick up a fish, bugs, then go to the ranch and buy some milk, finally warp to the potion shop and get a blue potion. Now warp back to Ikana Valley. Go to the Well looking hole north of the area. If you want, you can enter the hut south of here to fight in a poe deathmatch minigame, where the Angry poe and his friends try to get their revenge. You can win upgrades, and a heart piece. Fall down inside,
and have the Magic beans ready. If you haven't gotten these, warp to the Deku Village and get them from the bean guy now. Put on the mummy mask and enter the Mummy Dungeon, but don't go to the mummy ahead of you, go to the mummy to the right and give him the beans. If you want, come back and give the mummy at the start a certain item and he will allow you to pass giving you a bunch of rupees. Enter the area, and watch out for the freezing bats. Kill the enemies and give the one mummy 10 deku nuts, then the other the bottled fish. Run behind the 10 deku nuts mummy first and give the mummy to the left 10 bombs. Enter and fight a mean poe! Boss: Return of Poe King- If you couldn't buy a poe or something, chances are you'll be fighting him! He swishes around and flies fairly fast, as well as spikes dart around the room!! Dodge the spikes by sidestepping and slash him with your sword. When he is down to half a health he will fly in circles, sl circle charge slash him. When he dies, grab his spirit and exit. Go
back to the Deku Nut mummy room and now go past the one you gave the fish. Enter this next area and kill the enemies all the while watching out for the large hand to grab you and take you back to the beginning of this awful dungeon! Give the mummy to your left the bugs so he moves and get some Rupees from him not really that much. Go back and give the other the Lon Lon milk!! Almost there. Now in the next room run like heck past the large spiked rollers without getting hit, now give the last Mummy at the end the Big Poes spirit. He will let you pass, completing the dungeon and giving you the Mirror shield! This shield reflects light and moves with real accuracy and speed which will be needed for the next Dungeons. Exit the area when you're finished and enter the large structured temple. Its time for the Next Dungeon, Ikana Fotress. This huge Dungeon was built a long time ago, and has a more eerie resemblence then the Shadow Temple. Run around the walls and kill the bats and things, then wear the Gibudo mask
enter the first door. Mummies will be everywyere, but will continue to dance uninterrupted. Now hit the Eyeswitch with a fire arrow, melting the ice and triggering the door to the left. Enter quickly and kill all the enemies in this room grabe the assets and move on. Use the Mirror Shield to reflect and move the blocks out of the way so that you can pass into the next rooms. Enter the next door, and prepare for our favorite miniboss! Miniboss: Fire Caster: He will be firing fire this time! And he will take more hits too! Run around as Goron Link or as Link and hit him,when he splits with his clones wait a little longer then hit him as he pops up. Keep doing this around all the squares. When he appears in the back of the room don't bother trying to hit him, he's too far away. Continue on and exit this area up the stairs and use the hookshot to hit a switch and Deku Link to launch across to get a heart piece. From here go over to the large block which is pushed over the hole and push it so it isn't blockign the light. Now go back to the main hall and hit the other eyeswitch opening the right door. Go in there and use the fire arrow to hit the other eyeswitch, go in the room and shine light on the large block, which should also catch the hand destroying it. Go past into the newly oepend area, and run up the stairs to the other part of the roof. Have a big bomb handy, if you don't warp back to clock town or gorons and get one. Then use it here to open up the light to the main hall. Run back downstairs and shine light on the large block. Go through to fight the boss. Boss: 3 Guardians Of Ikana- These 3 Guardians will comment on how unrelentless you've been in your bravery and tell you that it all ends. Prepare for a tough fight! They are indistructible by any means possible, one thing will win this battle. Use the fire arrows on the boarded windows which as soona s you enter, get boarded so that light shines back in through again. Use it on both and the main Skeleton will be mad. Now attack and knock down any way
possible the first Skeleton with the jump slash technique, dodging its attacks. Use the mirror shield on its body to fry its spirit so it dies. Repeat on the other one except move faster now and have the bunny hood. Once the second one is dead, the large huge one will get up from his throne. He will try to kick you down, and also will spit poisonous dust at you, so dodge out of the way and jump slash him when this occurs. Finally after 8 hits he will be knocked down, now use the Mirror shield to reflect light on his corpse too and fry his spirit. The guardians will all come together and tell their story, then teach you a special song. The Musical Elekgy. Use this song to make a complete copy of yourself. Finally now its onto the last Guardians dungeon, and then the final fight. Exit the fortress, and enter the large cave at the top of the ramp to the right of the one where you played the song of storms. Enter Rockvale, a gigantic twisted turned up Mountain. Immediately as you enter, hookshot to the other side and scale it then play the Musical Elekgy on the switch as a Goron Link, the next one as a Zora Link, and the final one as a Regular Link. All 3 switches will be held down by doubles of your various selves, and the Platforms will raise allowing you to cross to the other side. When you get there, play the musical elekgy on one of the switches ona nd off to reset the platforms. Now hookshot up and repat the process making doubles of yourself on the 3 platforms, and cross over once again avoiding the keese/bats and boulders. This time the switches are kind of hidden, so pay close attention and play it on each one of them. WHen you reach the top most area, hookshot up and land next to the owl statue. Hit it so you don't have to do this again, and play the Musical Elekgy 3 times, one on the right switch, the next on the left, and the last at the top. The 3 platforms will come in unison allowing you entrance to the Rock Vale Dungeon. Enter the most twisted, most mixed up, most crazy Guardians dungeon yet. Its one
long chore. Go to the right immediately and enter the series of rooms with switches. Blow up the wall ahead with a bomb. Hit the boxes out of the way with Goron link, and pick up the 2 crates and set them on various switches. Use Goron Link on the Huge switch and play the Elekgy, then put a double of yourself on the last switch to open up the gate. Shoot the dragon flies, and pick up the supplies before going downstairs. Roll in across as Goron Link, and smash the statues to make them move around and explode. Hit all 4 until they all have exploded, and get the key that appears. Get the Map out of the chest here too. Exit this area. Now back in the room with the dragon flies, go through the locked door on the left. Enter a strange room with hookshot targets and other things in it. This is actually the room where you get to the boss from, but ignore it for now and cross over. Go through these strange rooms using Zora Link to swim underwater, and pick up the compass. Use the Mirror Light trick by focusing energy on these mirrors, then move up to the mirros and reflect this energy on the Sun Block. Usually wait about 4-5 seconds in these tricky areas. When you get to the part with all the lava, use Deku Link to catch the wind of the blowing fans to get across. Pick up a key and go inside this door. Go inside to fight a hard miniboss. Miniboss: Wizard- This guy flies around in all directions and practicaly knocks you over all the time! Wait until he is just about to swipe and hit him with the sword! Repeat until he is ead is all you can do. The light arrows are your prize. Exit the next area, and see a mean looking Guardian eye monster. Wait for it to open its eye and charge, then hit it with a Light Arrow. Hit it 3 times for it to fall over and die. Go outside and now exit the entire dungeon. Time to flip. Flip!?? No I mean really flip. Outside on rockvale, stand on the second platform by playing the musical elegy on two of them. Now aim a Light Arrow at the ruby eye and shoot. The entire MOUNTAIN and I do Mean MOUNTAIN not just Dungeon, will flip COMPLETELY upside down instantly with your head looking down towards the moon!!! You can't tell me if that is scary or not geez. Then run inside and continue. Go to the right now, as its the only way and use Deku Link to glide up the wind. Land on the northern platform and pick up a key from the chest. Use the deku launcher to get to other wind draft and rise up from here to the door surrounded with mines. Drop past those, and enter the room shooting a light arrow at the ruby eye and transforming to goron link to cross the lava. Open the door after you hit the Ruby eye again and continue. In the next room, push the block so its as far as it can go forward, then flip the room with the light arrow, then push it farther till its in the center, then flip the room again now push it back against into the corner where the switch is, and flip the room again.. When the block is on the switch, climb the block and run into the room. Its our favorite Miniboss. Miniboss: Fire Caster- Well this time he has 4 different clones, 9 different squares, and needs about 8 hits. Start off and hit him once, then as he switches continue to hit him. When he dies finally, Exit this room to the next area using the chest that appears with a hookshot. As Deku Link, float across the open sky to the other side, and float over to the room to the right. Run past the armos knights with speed, and also hit them with light arrows to make them explode. Hit the switch, and exit this area fast with the key. Now enter the door to the next area back with Deku Link, and look ahead. Shoot the mins so they explode, and float with deku link to the alcove hidden on the middle left hand side. Use the deku launcher here to float then to the oppisite side of the chasm. Now enter, and shoot the flying skulls. Run down the plank and collect all the supplies, and have 4 fairies at least this guy is hard!!! Miniboss: Reaper- This guy will shower you with bats, throw his scythe, even twirl like a bad freddy krueger movie!!! Just move in circles, strafing and use the Light arrow to clear the bats, then jump slash attack him out of the range of his scythe. Keep strafing constantly and backflip to avoid the bats, but sometimes its inevidible. As he spins around, move the bats out of the way and slash him withy our sword. 8 times kills him and go in the room to get the BIg Key. Now backtrack across using Deku Link, and enter the door to your left. Shoot the armos knight with a light arrow, so it explodes. Hookshot over and hit the switch or just jump. A chest will appear high above the final area. Exit back to the main hallway at the beginning and use the long shot to hook this chest. Go through the door using a key, and shoot the next tougher Eye guardian with a Light arrow by dodging his cutting laser attack. When he's dead, open the chest he leaves for a mysterious mask and have it equipped to C. Enter the boss door for the last Guardian. Boss: Twin Moldworm- What can I say?? He's a giant set of Moldworms for gods sake! Dodge his large
sandworm attack, and hit him in the head if possible. Now when they are out of the way, put on the mask and become superhuge! Now slash the worms consistently, hitting them with jumpslashes and spincycles in any way you can. You should be able to kill 1 of them completely before becoming normal again. Wait till the worm hits a statue, and pick up all the magic left behind then put the mask back on again, and continue your onslaught until hes blown up. This is the easiest Guardian of them all! Get the Heart Container and Guardian Mask and watch the cutscene. Now you're ready to take on Mujula. or are you? Other Side Quests: There are hidden dungeons, mainly in Ikana. Go to the river and swim due west through the waterfall to enter one. You must have 16 hearts at least to complete everything and get the heart piece. Each door contains a Miniboss you've faced, with a harder challenge as well. The other one is a secret which is up north of Ikana Valley, and can only be opened up with the Robber. Complete the 6th bottle quest and Mask sidequests to get to it. In the dungeon, you must complete it under a time limit so that you can get the Sun Mask for the lost boy, who will give you the Loving face. There are Multiple Endings for the game, most of which depend on the amount of masks you've collected and people you've talked to. 6th Bottle: To get the 6th Bottle, talk to the lady at the Inn on day1 when the mailman arrives around 2:00 pm and come back when she says at 11:00 as Deku Link, and turn into normal Link. She will give you the letter for her beloved Cafe(the boy), so put it in the mail box. When the mailman picks it up next day, follow him to Cafe to get a gift from him, take it to her and then go back on the third day and talk to Cafes father. He will give you a pendant, as well as the Keaton Mask, take the Pendant letter to the lady at the Milkbar and give it to her to get the 6th bottle. Explosion Mask: To get the Explosion mask, stop the robber in the north part of town from robbing the store on the first
day during mid night hours. It will automatically be dropped and blows up its wearer. To get the Ribbit face, go to Gorons VIllage and inside their house speed up the ramp very carefully hitting the middle vase first, so the entire thing sways back and forth long enough to get back up there. Zoom in and hit it again so there are 3 vases left, keep making it sway so you can get all of them and talk to the goron in the back to get the piece of meat which you need to give to get the ribbits mask. The Chairmans mask can be gotten by being in the Milk bar late on day 1 and day2 using the Romanis mask to play songs for the fat Zora chairman. Play them in the order of characters he selects to make a band and the chairman ingo will give it to you. The mask of Truth can be gotten by completing the Spider Hunt in the Deku bog that was mentioned earlier. First have 3 bugs in botles, enter and use your hookshot to get all the ones on the pillars. Enter the other rooms and kill the Skulltulu gold spiders in the beehive
and other areas including behind the vines. Kill the one on the ladder, and get on top of the platform here and use the Bunny hood and leap across. Enter the door on the other side and roll into this large tree to bring down 3 more. Kill all 6 here, and then use the longshot on the beehives to get a 7th. Exit this entire room as by now you've got them all. Back in the main hall, get the one skimming across the water, and the other underneath a pot on the other side. Now put bugs in the soil spot on the wall and get that one, repeat on the other side. Go into the new door at the back and hit all the pots as goron link to get the spiders out, and use the longshot on the beehives and the ceiling to get those too. Exit here and enter the door directly right now. Kill the first one directly in the corner and another one on ground level underneath something. Climb up the ladder and use the bunny hood or longshot to grab the one on top of the pillar, then scour the ceiling for another, and another on the way out the door up top. Outside, use the bugs to bring out another skulltula is you see a soil spot if not, get any you see on any of the pillars left and use Deku Link to cross the main room to the other side. Once on the other side, kill the one behind the torch and release the last bugs on the soil spot here. The skulltula will come out kill it and it will announce you've collected them all. Bring them back to the spider guy and he will give you the mask of truth. Once you stop the robber you can get the stayling up late mask from the Mani guys shop for 500 rupees. On the third day, and you let the robber escape and got the events with the keaton mask, go to Ikana and find Cafe hiding near the secret door! The robber will show up and you can now enter the dungeon to get the Sun Mask, and then get the Staying Up Late Face. Heart Pieces there are plenty of, you can get more by beating minigames with a high score, and also if you wear the Loving Face in the Mayors office he will give you a heart piece. If you feel you
have all the masks, or if you want to fight the final boss then read the next part. Let the time fly by on Day 3 till it reaches 0:00 and enter the Clock. The showdown with Mujula! Play the song from the fourth Guardian that you learned, and a cutscene will start as the Mask Of Mujula rejects Stalchild!!!!! The mask will hug itself while the Guardians run out and Hold up the moon from falling on clock town, but the weight will be too great. Link and chat will run in and be transported to the final battle on the Moon. The Moon is a strange area where kids are playing who all wear a guardian mask. These kids or aliens or whatever they are will let you give away your masks. You have to give away all your masks to get the last special mask the Adult Link mask. Talk to any of the Guardians, and give away any mask you want but the bunny hood(unless you have all of them) when you enter the first Dungeon part, you should have a Deku Face on. Get to the other side using the launchers carefully and grab a heart piece
as well as talk to the kid so he asks oyu for more mask to give away, give them away (or not and just go in the blue light). Next talk to the one and you should be in a Goron Rolling dungeon. Use goron to carefully make it across this tough frightening level so that you can make it to the main area. When you are on the part which curves stop and walk around. You can do some jumps across the caverns to get a heart piece, or other things but go afterwards to the ramp on the bridge and jump across to the ice area. Talk to the kid to give away more masks and be transported out. The next is just Jetstream tunnels all underwater basically go left left left right left to get the heart peice and get out, or go left left right right to get to the kid and give away more masks. I really wouldn;t unless you were getting the Adult Link mask though and have all of them. Exit the area and go to the next Place, the last challenge is especially hard I wouldn't reccomend this dungeon without practicing on the heart piece dungeon. All the Minibosses from previous fights will also be guards here, and you must win them all while facing tough puzzles to get to the final kid, and possibly get your adult link mas(if you've gotten that far) but anyways, I didn't even really do this part that much. Now go talk to the kid wearing the Mask Of Mujula and basically, hello to the end.
Boss: Mask of Mujula- It will dart around and hit you cutting you to shreds without some backup! Use your shield and knock it back then slash it so it is stunned when up close and then jump slash! Twice it will then call the Guardian Masks out. Now shoot the guardian masks with arrows so they are dead, and reflect the Beams the Mask of Mujula shoots at you with your shield. Now Mujula will transform with legs and feet!
Boss: Mask of Mujula- Its back again this time the mask can run around like crazy this guy is pretty darn slick. Wait until he stops and moonwalks backwards near you and slash him then slash him on the ground then jump slash him again to knock him over if possible like with the first guardian. Do it 5 times and then he transforms again!
Boss: Mask Of Mujula- His final form will be an all out monster!! His eyes will have turned into Tentacles, his large face will have become legs and his speed will have increased tenfold. Use up all the arrows you have all 30 and stun him with an arrow each time for a hit slash him or jump slash him 10 times to finish him off once and for all!! Congrads you've beat the game!!! Bask in the glorious ending which is much better then I must say, Ocarina Of Time."
Deku Trading Game
"Ok this part is short quick and sweet, and allows you to get more heart pieces as well as finish the infamous Trading game. Take the Moons tear to the first Deku by the clock tower in clock town. He will give you a odd colored map. Take it to the deku in front of the Old Witches Potion shop in the large bog area by the Deku Kingdom. He gives you a different colored map. The corresponding color remember, will match the character you are supposed to be turned into at that point to recieve the next item. Get the heart piece up on top of the Witches house using the flower launcher. You take the new map to the one in front of the goron village. Be regular link since the map is green, either that or blue then turn into zora link. Once you get the map from this one, launch above the cliff area and get the heart piece. Now take the red map to the Deku inside Zoras Hole underwater, and be goron link. He will give you the last map. Launch to the heart piece you saw earlier in the game and get it now. Take this last
map to the deku in Ikana Valley up the mountain, and recieve a 200 rupee bonus reward, and use the final launcher to grab the heart piece. You've completed the Deku trading game! Congradulations!"
Heart Pieces:
1- Get a heart piece by doing the following things. Go to Gorons City in Death Mountain and shoot all the torches with fire Arrows to make the chandelier start spinning. Now go up to the top, and roll jump into the vase up there. Hit one of the northern ones to make a meat piece fall. Take this meat piece withy ou back to the Goron who is standing on the ledge near the Cabin when it's still snowed over. He will eat the meat and give you his Ribbits Mask he's wearing. Now, unfreeze the area by killing the boss again, and go to the 5 frog locations. The first is right in the pond right by the cabin here after it's unfrozen. The second is in the bog near where you enter Deku's village on a log. The Third is in Clock Town right by Cafes house and the Windmill Man who plays music. The Fourth and Fifth, are the Mini Bosses of the First and Third Guardians dungeons. These amphibians once dead, will become frogs. After all 5 have been talked to wearing the mask, go back to the lake by the cabin and talk to them. You will get a piece of heart.
2- On the second night, wait until 4:00 am in front of the observatory for a strange Deku Scrub to come. He will sell you the heart piece for 150 rupees.
3- Go to the four grottos around Talmina. The four corners of the main map when you exit clocktown, one is in the grassy patch to the south by the tree. Another is under a rock in the north near the Iced Death mountain. Another is also in a hole in the north in that area. The last is in the west near the two large poles where the Vulture who steals your items is. Take Goron link and play Gorons lullaby at the Large Gossip stone in each grotto. Then you will get a heart piece.
4- Take a picture of the Deku Chief and take it to the Bazaar in the boat shop in the Deku Bog. He will give you it in exchange.
5- Take a picture of the Pirate Captain in her fortress inside Pirates Fortress. Take it to the man in Great Bay who has a seahorse. He will give you the seahorse saying it is homesick. Take the horse with you to the area with the eels again in the crater. Kill them all and find the other seahorse behind one of the eels. Reunite them and they will fall in love and give you a heart piece.
6- Talk to the mail man after he has finished his day on Day1, and play the song of time backwards to slow it down. You get one as a reward.
7- Play the tricky tree cutting game in Clock Town. You have to get 30 points which is easier said then done. To understand why, most of the cuts you do are not special but normal cuts and are only worth 1 point each. You must do certain special attacks cuts to gain more points, like 5-6 points a piece to win. You get a heart piece.
8- In the Poe hunting game in Ikana valley simply kill all the poes in under 3 minutes.
9- Use the Keaton's face to talk to keaton in the areas in Clock Town, Milk road that the bushes move. Answer his 5 questions and you will get a heart piece. Howevr you can only do this once.
10- Feed the fish in the Great Bay scientists lab other fish to get a heart piece.
11- Play the game in Clock Town with the lovers getting the Bombs and Bombachus inside the targets on all 3 days. Get a heart piece.
12- Play the shooting game and score over 5000 to get a heart piece.
13- Wear the Meoto loving face you get after going through the robbers dungeon, in the mayors office to get a heart piece.
14- Bet on the dog races at Romani ranch and get 150 points or more to get a heart piece.
15- Win the heart piece dungeon in Ikana, by killing all the Bosses inside. You must have 16 hearts already to enter all the rooms in the dungeon.
16- Wear the post mask and talk to the running man after he delivers mail to the lady in the inn to get a heart piece.
17- Give 5000 rupees to the banker in town to recieve a heart piece.
18- Shoot the skull faces in the random order for that day in the second gold skulltula spider hunt to open up the fireplace to a secret room with a heart piece.
19- Play the poe digging graveyard game again after defeating Ikana graveyard to get a heart piece.
20- Score high in the shooting gallery near Deku Kingdom for a heart piece.
The robber who robs the lady at night in the grassy area of Clock Town can be followed. To do this wait for the event to happen, but don't do anything. Now warp ahead to Day2 and take Cafe's father's amulet to the lady, then warp to ikana Valley. Find Cafe hiding behind some rocks while the Robber opens up the entrance to a secret Dungeon his hideout. Follow him in carefully, as this is a timed area, and it is very difficult. You must get past the puzzles, enemies and get to the Sun mask before it's over. Getting the sun mask and giving it to Cafe gets him and Ajiyru the girl at the inn reunited and gives another Alternate ending.
The challenge in Ikana Valley under the waterfall is a dungeon which opens once you use the light arrows, and have 16 hearts to enter all the rooms. You must defeat every boss that you've beaten before to get a heart piece.
The next challenge is exactly the same as before almost, except this time it takes place on the moon and has tough puzzles. If you are already stocked with all the masks, and can kill every boss, this time not only will you get a heart piece, but also talk to the final kid and he will give you the Adult Links mask the fourth secret incredible transformation mask which gives you the full self of Adult Link with a full fledged beam attack!!! Beat the game for yet another Alternate Ending.
Glitches And Codes:
Speed up Time: Hit Double C right, Double A, Double down to speed up time.
Slow Down Time: Hit Down, A, C right to slow down time, the Song Of time backwards.
Get Epona Stuck: You can get Epona stuck in some very weird places. Take Epona to a bridge or area she can not normally go and force her to ride up it a bit. She will get stuck, and the only way off of her is by dismounting. She can get pretty deep in the ground sometimes!
Climb Up Steep Walls: Same from OOT, it returns again the programmers missed this one! Z target the wall, like a tree for instance and climb up edging your way up using the sword as your guide.
Get Links Sword Lost: Swordless Link yet again!! If you go to the vulture, it will take away your sword or bottles at times but mostly sword then get on Epona, you can actually get Deku Nuts used on your B button sometimes even other stuff! Hmmm I wonder about a mask..
Fall through walls: Sometimes if you Z target a non sharp point or edge, you can fall right through it!! This is a sort of easy shortcut.
Play in Slow Motion!: Hehehehe don't try this one very often it could ruin cartridges, but if you pull your Expansion pak out just a bit, when alot of enemies are on screen at once, the framerate will slow down immensely and it will be like you're playing in Slow Motion!
My Impressions:
My impressions of this game have been truely outstanding. I love the game more then anything, and the surpreme challenge gives a new sense of depth to the Zelda Series. It is however, very shallow in the story department, and the recollecting of inventory items and time limit is a real drag. Fortunately, our covted GS hackers have worked and amde codes to destroy this once and for all! Haha and as soon as they get the Keycode up we will have all of them in the neat tidy gameshark section for you to feast your eyes upon. I have been playing this game for quite a while, ever since I can remember, and extensively got into getting all the masks. I finally collected all of them, and got the Adult Link mask, a most unique prize if I must say so, because it turns you into a full blown Adult Link sky blue tunic. His attacks are tremendous and what I fall in love with most about this secret is the inclusion of the Beam Attack finally, which stems from Adult Links sword and lets out a magical burst of energy which
kills oncoming enemies. I can't express how I feel about this game now through words, it would be impossible. The running man was an amazing guy to follow, I got the post hat from him by giving him a certain pendant he brought, and then talking to him afterwards. Iv'e traced his route now to run around Clock Town, from dawn till dusk in a long circle stopping only at the Post Mail Boxes he has to delvier to. He's quite a more Perplexing thing now then I have ever seen, or do have my pleasure of seeing. I'm interested in how the gameshark hackers can figure him out, I already noticed the funny glitch where you turn on the alarm clock and he wakes up and runs out of bed for the door while throwing you out. I laughed at this, but I have noticed something quite strange: One day, I talked to him on his bed, and he started playing a sort of game with me! He spun the wheel or I did, of the clock on the wall and I had to answer a certain question or so. I have no idea what this could mean, but it could be the answer that we've all been waiting for. If anyone who has the Import or ROM, has any kind of information whatsoever about this please email me immediately as I would like to have as much info as possible on this. I'll write in the new letters section coming up.
Update: After a few hints I found you get a heart piece if you stop the clock at 10 seconds. Oh well.
Your Impressions:
None yet
Zelda Dude has put together an entire Mini Guide dedicated just to the Beneath The Well dungeon in Ikana Valley where you trade the items. He thought it would be a nice addition to the enable code and worked on it just for you guys. Below is the mini guide, Enjoy!
"O.k I don't know about many of you but I had gotten just darn sick and tired of those mummies always pulling some kind of trick on me, one wants beans, one wants bugs, ENOUGH ALREADY! So I sat down, mind you, with the Import game and played the dungeon to death. Not even Gamefaqs or such renowned places hold this guide I was surprised. I have enlisted in order, EVERY single Mummy, what they want, how to get it and what lies on the other side. It was actually quite fun even if I couldn't read the writing! (thank god for Kanji! Haha)
Mummy 1: Found? Straight ahead of you. Give? Blue Potion. Found? From the witch, do the tricky maze and give a red potion to her hurt sister then she will leave, use the Pig mask to find a purple cloud give it to the witch, and come back immediately for the Blue Potion.
Mummy 2: Found? To the right of you. Give? 5 Magic Beans. Found? As deku link, go through the annoying maze in Deku Village to find the bean seller at the bottom of the second hole on the ledge. Buy it for 10 rupees each.
Mummy3: Found? After the Blue Potion mummy, to the LEFT. Give? A bottled fish. Found? Catch one after you pass the Magic Bean one, or get one in any grotto nearby.
Mummy4: Found? After the Magic Bean one straight to the LEFT. Give? A bottled fish. Found? Do the same for all of them.
Mummy5: Found? After the Magic Bean one straight AHEAD. Give? 10 Deku Nuts. Found? In the room after the Blue Potion one, in that same alcove.
Mummy6: Found? After the Blue Potion one straight AHEAD. Give? Cooled Spring Water. Found? After the Magic Bean one, in that same alcove where the freezard is.
Mummy7: Found? Right after the 10 Deku Nut one straight to the LEFT. Give? 10 Bombs. Found? Scattered about the rooms after the Potion one.
Mummy8: Found? Right after the 10 Deku Nut one straight AHEAD. Give? Hot Spring Water. Found? In the alcove after the Potion and Bottled Fish one, plant a bomb to kill the plant guarding it.
Mummy9: Found? Right after the 5 Magic Bean and the Fish One, straight to the LEFT. Give? Bottled Bugs. Found? Scattered throughout the cave, reward is 50 rupees.
Mummy10: Found? After the Cold Spring Water one, in an alcove straight to the RIGHT. Give? Bottled Bugs. Found? Do the same as before.
Mummy11: Found? After the 5 Magic Bean and Fish one, straight AHEAD. Give? Bottled Big Poe. Found? In the room after the 10 Bomb one, kill the Big Poe boss with arrows. Use your shield to stun him while shooting and dodge the spikes on the floor.
Mummy12: Found? After the Big Poe one. Give? Bottled Romani Milk. Found? In the cave right after the Hot Spring Water one.
Mummy13: Found? After the Cold Spring Water one, straight AHEAD. Give? Bottled Bugs. Found? Do the same as before. Your reward? A secret fairy fountain filled with fairies, catch them all for later!
That does it, oh yeah after Mummy 12 is the Mirror Shield, and funny enough you can get it repeatedly even if you already have it! I wish that this email thing would allow me to draw a map hehehehe.
Gameshark Codes:
NOW HERE!!Zelda: Majoras Mask Version 0 Enable Code:
Zelda Dude has done it! After all his hacking of ROMs and other things I have no idea about, he has discovered the one and only enable code. I could not put into words the information so here it is copy and pasted for your viewing pleasure.
"Now, Mind you this took an awful long time, I don't suggest anyone else try it or anything. Try sitting with no extra tools, debuggers, editors in front of a computer watching through 2 million plus lines of code for hours on end. There is approximately 99,999,999 programming switches in a game the size of Zelda:MM. That computes to roughly over 100,000,000 lines of programming hex code. Now, try to find one single CPU Processor WatchHi switch or more. Impossible no, time consuming yes. Anyway, basically you don't need to know all this mumbo jumbo it's programming stuff, what you should know is the MTC0 switch is the code line for the CPU processor inside a game like Zelda: MM. This switch is responsible for everything that the game does and performs as it routes to the CPU. This switch maintains a direct connection or flow with Code Generator in the gameshark PRO, causing you to manipulate all of the programming code inside the game. This switch if turned off as in a lot of games, will cease to function
with Code Generator disabling any ability to alter the programming code with a gameshark. The only way to turn the switch back on, is use its Hexidecimal value in the Gameshark PRO. An enable code is a switch in itself, the "Must Be On" code. This switch turns the CPU processor switch back on causing Code Generator to function. However I was hacking with both games, as I have the Japanese and English ROMS on my home computer and discovered something truely shocking. For the japanese version, there is a set of 14 Main CPU switches or MTC0s in other words. Interestingly, the switches are found in the hundredths position of the Hex code. If you didn't know, DK64 had 9 MTC0s or CPU switches making the code just fit the Gameshark Code lines at its 10 limit or so. I found this truely astonishing, sure MM uses the Expansion Pak just like DK64, but it is very different in its whole system. The following HEXIDECIMAL lines were found scattered with the switches all in the same areakeep in mind this is the japanese
version) 00000448 0000044C 00000498 0000049C 00000858 00000864 00000824 00000814 0000081C 000007F8 000007F4 000007EC 0000084C 0000086C Translated to Gameshark that's: F100F448 2400 F100F44C 2400 F100F498 2400 F100F49C 2400 F100F858 2400 F100F864 2400 F100F824 2400 F100F814 2400 F100F81C 2400 F100F7F8 2400 F100F7F4 2400 F100F7EC 2400 F100F84C 2400 F100F86C 2400 That is if we were following the rule of Standard Enable code tactics. But that is the full enable code. Now you will ask, 'How in the heck can I put all that in my GS?' The answer is simple- You can't. The code is far too long to fit in the limit the Interact people put on it. The best advice I can offer you is put the codes in different patterns or orders, drop out a few and by trial and error figure out which ones enable the Code Generator, together most likely. However, do not dispair just yet. As I told you earlier, I have both the English and Japanese ROMs and I was determinted to hack both which is what I did. I found something even more
interesting. When hacking the English version, I found many, many, semi-co processor switches like DMTC0, STC0, CTC0, etc. but throughout what looked like the entire code, I found only one single MTC0 or main CPU Co Processor switch. This time in the thousanths position of the HEXIDECIMAL programming code. I was shocked, it seemed to strange. In the japanese version all the Co Processor switches were located in the Hundredths position, where in the English only one Co Processor switch was found in the thousanths. Could it be that the two are different? You better believe it. Sure we've all heard the old line that "there is no difference between a japanese and english translation except for text" but it's a bunch of baloni. While to the naked eye it may seem that way, to a true programmer there are infinite differences. Different people at different times insert different bytes of data in different places. From my observations, It would indeed appear that Nintendo of Japan has inserted 14 different enable
codes into Majora's Mask, where Nintendo CO LMTD. has inserted only one. The purpose of which I have no idea nor would I care to know. Also, ROMs do tend to vary, but not that much, ever. My guess is some programmer was drunk again sitting at the PC or some other scenario. In any case, the HEXIDECIMAL programming line is: 00008928 Making the gameshark translation: F1007928 2400 Could this be the actual enable code for the English Majora's Mask..? Sadly my Gameshark has gone south for the winter again, with a dot 8 error (meaning when I turn it on it shows a period followed by an 8 in the mini gameshark window-pretty sure it's a keycode error) and I can not test the code myself but would like anyone who wants to to go on ahead. But the facts still remain- I have unearthed it! The full yes 14 line Enable code for Majora's Mask. One thing still perplexes me- why so many excess semi Co Processor switches?? Even Perfect Dark has something in the range of 75."
Further Majoras Mask Enable News: "You know how it seemed like there was only one switch in the English Game? Well it wasn't being looked at hard enough. In numerical order down the line these were seen:
00017A00 0002CD18 0001784C 00012344 00034F4C 00014220 0001B388 0002C910 00034CA4 00033A78 0002DFBC 0002E1F4 000316CC 00035568
Put into gameshark it would be:
F1016A00 2400 F102BD18 2400 F101684C 2400 F1011344 2400 F1033F4C 2400 F1013220 2400 F101A388 2400 F102B910 2400 F1033CA4 2400 F1032A78 2400 F102CFBC 2400 F102D1F4 2400 F10306CC 2400 F1034568 2400
And then when they were put in, the GS button when pressed would freeze the game, showing that the Code Generator had been deactivated. We then found a Debug Menu which someone got to by pressing in order the same buttons pressed for the Debug Screen in Ocarina of Time. Hold L and R all the C buttons, then hold Left and press Start. It will bring you to a debug menu, one that holds many different numbers which have interesting values. I then discovered a code which I thought was peculiar in the 80C sector. The code was 80C004F4 of which I transported it to the Enable Code as 80C004F4 2400. The code enabled another Debug Menu which you got to by pressing the GS button. First you had to do the old button combination, holding all the buttons and pressing start. Then when the code is in and you hit the GS button, it will bring you to a new Debug Menu. This one was particularly interesting with the 800EFb40 01B9 type codes. You will have to see it to believe it however. We transferred these into enable codes and
they have different effects on the already existing codes. It proved there are in fact Multiple Debug menus in Majoras Mask whereas the single Debug Screen in Ocarina Of Time was all there was and it provided little more then the date and manufacturer. It is our belief that these codes inside the Debug Menus are lead on switches which will be able to reactivate Code Generator, nevertheless we find ourselves one step closer. It means the GS button is working and only the switches have been turned off."
"Finally we went through and discovered the rest of the codes in the English Majoras Mask. We had the full ROM and I discovered 8008809C: mtc0 \\$t4,r12 498c6000 80096a6C: mtc0 \\$at,r4 40812000 in the addresses, and the others 80096820: 40849000 @... mtc0 $a0,WATCHLO were discovered by Dark Serge. But then I discovered, codes in the Boot Code part of the game which can only be found in the N64DASM disassembler.
A4000814: mtc0 r0,Index ;40800000 A400081C: mtc0 V1,EntryLo0 ;40831000 A400084C: mtc0 V1,Index ;40830000 A4000858: mtc0 V1,Random ;40830800 A4000864: mtc0 V1,EntryLo1 ;40831800 A400086C: mtc0 V1,compare ;40835800
These codes lead me to some conclusions: One they were starkingly similar to the actual codes I had hacked before, and two they seemed to be a required asset for the Code Generator. The other codes which were inbetween 81D and 81E had no effect on the game whatsoever but we will post them if you want. While these are all the enable codes there are in the English Majoras Mask, it doesn't mean neccesarily it is going to activate Generator, but here they are anyway:
F108809C 2400 F1096A6C 2400 F1096820 2400 F100081C 2400 F100084C 2400 F1000858 2400 F1000864 2400 F100086C 2400
The one F10096A6C does allow you to hack glitch codes for Gamesharks 2.2 to 2.5, but not much else. If we added all of these together into one string, we would have
F1016A00 2400 F102BD18 2400 F101684C 2400 F1011344 2400 F1033F4C 2400 F1013220 2400 F101A388 2400 F102B910 2400 F1033CA4 2400 F1032A78 2400 F102CFBC 2400 F102D1F4 2400 F10306CC 2400 F1008928 2400 F108809C 2400 F1096A6C 2400 F1096820 2400 F100081C 2400 F100084C 2400 F1000858 2400 F1000864 2400 F100086C 2400
All I can say is experiment. That's all you can really do at this point. Try putting them all in at once, try putting them in seperately, either way there hasn't been any others to test, and we discovered that the fault of Code Generator freezing was not due to the wrong enable codes, but the fact that Majoras Mask uses a constantly running internal clock. It changes and mixes up, does various patterns and all on the fact it is like no other game. It is the same internal clock which controls everything which goes on during the game including the periodically timed events. Right now we have someone working on getting inside of it using a special emulator and a program, to scan all the memory and possibly stop the game's internal clock. The idea is the same clock which controls the moon, is screwing with the games memory. Without the right locations, the Code Generator will not turn on. And the games location offsets are constantly changing. There will be more updates on this is the future."
More News:
"We have even more good news now on the enabling of the Code Generator for the Nintendo 64 game Majora's Mask. We have found the Gameshark code to disable the Clock Event Controller, which causes many other things to go wrong during the normal game. Due to the freezes and the constant crashes, a new Keycode is going to be required for Zelda MM to run normally, and rest assured we almost are there, and have hacked the finalized Keycode. So after all you will have another Keycode to put in in conjunction with the existing Enable Codes, so watch for that very soon. Take a breath of relief, we have come this far."
While the world waits for the Code Generator to run again (I included) Zelda Dude emailed me details that you are not going to want to miss out on, especially Gameshark Users.
"Alright TG, Post this right away I have here a list of codes from Majoras Mask that we have all hacked and they are too good to pass up. Keep in mind the Enable Codes go first, then turn on the other codes. Yes, Codeman did it. He hacked the Majoras Mask OP code, now all PRO users can use every Majoras Mask code. This enabled us to find L Button Moonjump, Wear Giant Link Everywhere, Wear Fierce Deity and much much more so read on:
F1096820 2400
F1000858 2400
F1096A6C 2400
FF000220 0000
NOTE: Turn Code Generator OFF, and only 20 codes may be used at a time.
Infinite Health:
811EF6A6 0140
Max Health:
811EF6A4 0140
Infinite Magic:
801EF6A9 0030
Have Ocarina Of Time 801EF6E0 0000
Have Hero's Bow 801EF6E1 0001
Have Fire Arrow (MP2) 801EF6E2 0002
Have Ice Arrow (MP2) 801EF6E3 0003
Have Light Arrow (MP4) 801EF6E4 0004
Have Event Item Modifier 1 801EF6E5 00??
Have Bomb 801EF6E6 0006
Have Bombchu 801EF6E7 0007
Have Deku Stick 801EF6E8 0008
Have Deku Nut 801EF6E9 0009
Have Magic Beans 801EF6EA 000A
Have Event Item Modifier 2 801EF6EB 00??
Have Powder Keg 801EF6EC 000C
Have Pictograph Box 801EF6ED 000D
Have Lens Of Truth 801EF6EE 000E
Have Hookshot 801EF6EF 000F
Have Item Modifier 1 801EF6F0 00??
Have Event Item Modifier 3 801EF6F1 00??
Have Bottle Modifier 1 801EF6F2 00??
Have Bottle Modifier 2 801EF6F3 00??
Have Bottle Modifier 3 801EF6F4 00??
Have Bottle Modifier 4 801EF6F5 00??
Have Bottle Modifier 5 801EF6F6 00??
Have Bottle Modifier 6 801EF6F7 00??
Infinite Rupees 811EF6AA 03E7
Infinite Arrows 801EF711 0009
Infinite Bombs 801EF716 0009
Infinite Bombachus 801EF717 0009
Infinite Deku Sticks 801EF718 0009
Infinte Deku Nuts 801EF719 0009
Infinite Magic Beans 801EF71A 0009
Infinite Powder Keg 801EF71C 0009
Have Postman's Mask 801EF6F8 003E
Have All-Night Mask 801EF6F9 0038
Have Blast Mask 801EF6FA 0047
Have Stone Mask 801EF6FB 0045
Have Great Fairy's Mask 801EF6FC 0040
Have Deku Mask 801EF6FD 0032
Have Keaton Mask 801EF6FE 003A
Have Breman Mask 801EF6FF 0046
Have Bunny Hood 801EF700 0039
Have Don Gero's Mask 801EF701 0042
Have Mask of Scents 801EF702 0048
Have Goron Mask 801EF703 0033
Have Romani's Mask 801EF704 003C
Have Circus Leader's Mask 801EF705 003D
Have Kafei's Mask 801EF706 0037
Have Couple Mask 801EF707 003F
Have Mask of Truth 801EF708 0036
Have Zora Mask 801EF709 0034
Have Kamaro's Mask 801EF70A 0043
Have Gibdo Mask 801EF70B 0041
Have Garo's Mask 801EF70C 003B
Have Captain's Hat 801EF70D 0044
Have Giant's Mask 801EF70E 0049
Have Fierce Deity's Mask 801EF70F 0035
Have Fierce Deity Mask Everywhere:
801F3589 0000
801F358A 0000
801F358B 0000
Hacked by Alan0X
Better Have Fierce Deity Mask Everywhere:
801F3589 0000
801F358A 0000
801F358B 0000
801F358C 0020
801F35A4 0000
801F35B0 0000
Hacked by Zelda Dude
Jap Items with modifier:
05 - Japanese Flute?
0B - Japanese Item?
10 - Great Fairy's Sword
11 - Japanese Hookshot?
31 - Japanese Scroll?
4A - Japanese Bow?
Have Giants Mask Everywhere:
801F35C0 0000
801F35C4 0000
801F35C8 0000
Hacked by Zelda Dude
NOTE 6: Its better, but you cant control link with this code, so you cant move around anywhere with it on.
Walk Through Walls:
8017CBC4 0020
NOTE 1: Works everywhere.
Walk Through Walls:
8017CBAC 0020
NOTE 2: Works in a few places.
No Collisions:
8017F5B4 0020
NOTE 3: Works everywhere but inside some doors, so Walk Through walls is better.
Alternate Entrances:
8016A720 0020
NOTE 4: Never use the Ocarina or Epona! Just go to Owl Statue, save your game and then turn off the code.
L Button Moonjump:
D03E6B3B 0020
813FFE18 40CB
Hacked by DarkSerge.
NOTE 5: With this code, Use the L button to rise, then at desired height let go.
Dual Activator for Moonjump:
D13E6B3A 00??
NOTE: With this code on, change the question marks into different variables to get things like Z and L or A and B to activate your moon jump.
Single Activator for Moonjump:
D03E6B3A 00??
NOTE: Alter the question marks the same way to make your Moonjump activate by Z, A, B, R or any button.
Single Activator for Moonjump 2:
D03E6B3B 00??
NOTE: Same as above.
Hacked by DarkSerge.
Fight Demo Majoras Mask:
8016A718 0020
F10004E4 0000
F10004E6 0000
F10004E8 0000
F1036A6C 0000
NOTE: Do not enter more then 15 codes in with this and have Code Generator OFF. You should be able to use all codes above. Use this is neccesary: EE000000 0000
------Email Continued------
Also updates on the Disabling of the Time Clock. Me and DarkSerge decided to make a new code, one which MIGHT disable time altogether first so we can get the Code Generator running. We are close to the answer as we speak and I wouldn't wait too much longer."
All the codes Zelda Dude sent as far as I can tell work entirely and correct, although I would note that dont put in over 20 codes in the pro, as I did and it crashed.