Hatman's House - Chatroom Portal You can chat with us on IRC @ irc.windfyre.net/#504

Make sure you have an IRC client installed or the link above will not work. Be sure to search "IRC" for one in your App Store if you are an Android or iPhone user. (I personally use AndroIRC to connect.) If you are a Windows user, check out the mIRC Client by Khaled Mardam-Bey.

You can also use our iframe widget below to connect to our chatroom, powered by Kiwi IRC.


This webpage and its' content, except for items or articles in which the Archive links are provided, various memes featured, or anything else on the webpage noted as created by someone else, is © 2020-2025 Jay T. Hatman. All rights reserved.

You may contact Jay T. Hatman directly by texting (313) 504-5041. Phone calls will be ignored and flagged for spam.

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