Prelude to Unity
Updated May 14th, 1999


     We've again been given our share of info. on the movie, and this whole deal is definitely sounding good. The first thing that's been brought up is the strong possibility of merchandise being sold for the film! Exactly what will be sold is not yet certain, but you can bet on things like T-Shirts, posters, and similar things.

     Another quite exciting thing we've discovered is the fact that Shigeru Miyamoto himself has endorsed the film as well as given Peter his blessing! He said that he's always been a fan of the Australian films, and that if George Lucas believes Peter to possess talent at movie making, then he's perfectly fine with the whole deal.

     The film was originally thought to be just one movie, but as it turns out, Prelude to Unity will be a series of fan-films. The storyline that they had planned out was much too long to fit into just one full-length movie, so they've decided on a series of them instead!

     Wondering if you're going to see any of this in the United States? Well, there's a darn good chance; Nintendo plans to show portions of the series frequently at things like Video Game Expos and Film Festivals. And there may be a chance that you'd be able to purchase it through TGL, so there's a high chance you'll see it. Just stay tuned.

     On yet another high note, the fund for the movie has been given a $500,000 grant from the AFC (Australian Film Commission). So this means an even better series for us!

Cherry      The music for the series seems to add on to the films yet again. It's being composed by Craig Sue and William Bowden. We'll be hearing songs from the excellent Gerudo Valley tune all the way down to the original theme from the series. These aren't just copies; they're fully orchestrated songs. Nothing but the best for Zelda lovers! Not only will there be well-written songs from the series and original songs, there will be a total of five songs being sung by an Australian group, "Cherry," who will sing one main theme song and one for each part of the series. Cherry's stars are Zoe, Hayley, Camielle, Gerri, and Amy; these singers will also have cameo roles in the films!

     Another actress that will star in the film is Antoinette Byron. She will be playing the role of Queen Nathalie, who is not too pleased with the path, that has little chance of success, he has chosen. She's had a role in "Melrose Place," and has also done her job in Australian films. Here's a bit of information on the actress, to give you an idea of her talent.

Antoinette Byron Antoinette Byron is one of Australia's most accomplished actresses, having appeared in feature films, television and the stage both in Australia and overseas.

Antoinette has worked extensively in Australia for several years since graduating from the prestigious National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) in Sydney, New South Wales (superstar Mel Gibson and acclaimed actress Judy Davis are among NIDA's former students).

Her Australian television credits include E-Street, The Henderson Kids (which also featured a young Kylie Minogue!), Neighbours, Scales of Justice and Skin Deep.

Antoinette added to this impressive list with roles in some very famous American television shows, including the Aaron Spelling produced Melrose Place, the globally popular Baywatch, Pacific Palisades, Savannah, long-running daytime soap All My Children, Jake and the Fat Man and The Bold & the Beautiful.

On stage, Antoinette has starred as Janet in The Rocky Horror Show, as well as taking the lead in Dimbolla, La Boheme and William Shakespeare's comedy Twelfth Night. She has also appeared in the films Death of a Soldier, Rebel, Winter of Our Dreams and Fast Talking.

Antoinette began work on the soap Home and Away in 1998, stepping into the role of Natalie Nash, wife of Joel Nash (David Woodley) and mum to Tom (Graeme Squires) and Gypsy (Kimberley Cooper).

     This is it for now, but you'll see more soon. From what we've heard, the next update on the movie series will be the largest one yet, so be sure to stay tuned for info. on the series. But before you go, we'd like to ask of you a favor. We've been asked to do an interview of the director and different cast members, so please send us any questions you'd have for them! We'll ask them your questions, as well as, of course, questions of our own. Send all questions in to "" Ask any questions you want, anything in the world... From "Who wrote the storyline for the movie series" down to "What size shoes do you wear," we'll accept anything! Just mail us so we can ask what you want to know.

As always, stay here with TGL, the exclusive home to information on Prelude to Unity.

 the dark redemption      Recently, TGL has been contacted via e-mail about something... Quite exciting and interesting. We've all been wondering for a while if something like this would come up one of these days; and it finally has. It is not being sponsored by Nintendo--just a fan movie--but a movie about the characters and settings from The Legend of Zelda series is in the works.

 peter mether      The movie, titled "Prelude to Unity," is being directed by Peter Mether (image at right). Peter has also directed another excellent fan film, an installment in the Star Wars series; "The Dark Redemption". This movie was so good, in fact, that George Lucas himself has approved of the film.

     The one that contacted us about the film has a nice role in it; he plays the role of a Hylian Knight. This specific knight is a former member of the Shiekah tribe, another of the mysterious survivors, who has proven himself to be an excellent leader of a group of knights. He may be one of the youngest members, but he has an interesting past which may prove to be one of the interesting points of the film.

Leah McLeod      Also playing a key role in the film is Leah McLeod, who will be playing a young Impa. She's worked with Peter before, so should prove to be an excellent addition to the cast. Outside of fan movies, she's found success in television and radio reporting, hosting and announcing in Southern Australia, where she is also a popular member of the 'Breakfast Team'. Since, she's moved on to Channel [V] music network, where she's worked as host and completed interviews with many recording artists.

Joelene Crnogorac      Another actress in the film is Joelene Crnogorac, who acts as a Hylian Villager, who happens to be Link's Mother! The actress has acted in "Raw FM," "Ocean Girl," "Snowy River: The MacGregor Saga," and "Round the Twist," all TV series.

     And the only other part in the film we know of is "Prince Harkannien," who leads the push for unification within Hyrule an has opposition in the assembly and his own parents. He is played by Zbych Trofimiuk, the recipient of the AFI Zbych Trofimiuk (Australian Film Industry) award in 1994 for new talent.

     The storyline to the movie is also quite interesting. It is a prequel to Ocarina of Time, taking place ten years before the game. It's about the unification of Hyrule and the powers that attempt to stop it. Returning characters from the series include Darunia, Prince Harkannien (later becomes Kink Harkannien), King Zora, and possibly others.

     We are not sure of the specifics about a release date or anything, but it should prove to be some time in the year 2000. Neither do we know if it will be available to us in the United States (or anywhere else), but hopefully you'll be able to get it right here from TGL.

     Stay tuned to TGL for more information on Prelude to Unity.

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