News and Updates

     What is one major thing that most large pages forget to add to their page? A page filled with nothing but news and updates! That's what this is--where you can find out what's going on. In this section, you'll find an area with public announcements, news on anything regarding Zelda, TGL's updates for the month, past updates of TGL, and the Daily Log of the Webmaster.

     The public announcement is something that was really needed for this page. It is an area where the webmaster of the site can basically just talk about anything. He may decide to tell you of what's going on with TGL, or what's going to happen in the future, or maybe even just ramble about Zelda.

     In the Zelda news section, you'll find the news stories regarding Ocarina of Time, as well as anything else that happens since then. If there are rumors regarding another game, they will also be posted here.

     Once you've entered either the past updates section or the page with updates for the month, you'll find just that--exact copies of what we put on the main page for that day, showing exactly what was added.

     And finally, the Webmaster's Daily Log. This was an idea which began back in February of '98, when TGL was just a small page using the 11 free MB offered by Xoom. TGL was a small page then, but great ideas were thought up. What the daily log is is just a place where the Webmaster can list everything he's done for the day. If he's working on a new secret proect, you'll know, because he'll probably mention it here. It's also an easier way to see just what's new for the day, if you just want the basics. If you're sick of seeing something like "As a beginner for today's update, we have brought to you an update of the Ongoing Story," and would rather see "Updated OS," then this is your place to go for updates. Just the basics are included here.

Public Announcements
Zelda News
Past Updates
Daily Log

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