Remove your cloak and take a seat by the fire. Welcome to Link's
Bookcase, an area of storytelling and intrigue. In this growing area of Link's House, you can
hear the tales fellow Hylians have told, as well as contribute a
tale of your own.
The tales are arranged in alphabetical order in the list below.
Feel free to browse through this page and read the tales that are of interest to you. There are
quite a few stories here, so hopefully there will be something to go along with everyone's
tastes! Enjoy your stay in the bookcase area of Link's House!
- The Amulet of Nagul (Part three in the series) by Juliet and Kirsty Singleton.
- A New Beginning by Jenna
- The Adventures of Saduj the Mercenary by Diederik Kuijper
- A New Evil by David Adler
- A Void In Where Dreams May Lie by Debbie Hink.
- Aftermath for Link by Daniel Jewel.
- The Aftermath: A Fight in the Future by Kenneth Finney
- A Dark Cloud by Mike Esposito.
- A Water Sensation by Jenna
- A New Adventure by Kenneth Finney.
- A New Beginning by Trent Hanley.
- A Prince's Quest by Brent Williams.
- The Dark Empowerment (Part one in the series) by Juliet and Kirsty Singleton
- The Dream Sequence Trilogy by Alan Fleming
- The Dark Castle by Matthew McMullen
- Death in Hyrule by Nick.
The Destruction by Ericka.
- Link Thirsts for Adventure by you, the fans!
The Legend of Zelda: The Endless Struggle by you, the fans!
- The Legend of Zelda: Return to Koholint by Eric Rutter
- The Legend of Zelda: Quest for the Sages by Rachel_13
- The Legend of Zelda: Arnold & Helga's Great Adventure! by Helga G. Pataki
The Legend of Zelda: The Utter Disgrace by you, the fans!
- Link's Adventure by Kyle Scott.
Link's Death by "Dezro" Dave Smith.
- Link Becomes a Sage, by Baron Minky.
- The Legend of Zelda: The Medallions of Elements by Yan Zhao.
A New Evil by David Adler
- The Odessy of Trent by Michael Eggers
- The Order of the Gryphon by Andy Hamilton
- One Life's Power by Mack Costello
- The Quest of King Zora by Belgarath the Sorceror
- The Quest for Courage by Rexy
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
- Quest of Tenilexsia or Ride into the Temple of Hell by ~TRIFORCEGUY~.
- Young Link's Adventure of Awakening by Jason Bowman
- Zelda's Love by Zeldalover
Zelda: The Continuing Saga by Bobby Stasko.
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