Welcome to Hatman's House, Est. 2020 This page is going to forever be a work in progress, but hopefully it's fun all the way through! I've decided to create this webpage with hand-typed HTML in order to deliver a wave of Late 90's Angelfire-Geocities nostalgia.

This page won't ever look good, and I don't care if you don't like it. I'm making it, it's mine; deal with it.

~Jay T. Hatman

(Bruh: Tesla: The Magnificence of "3-6-9")

Nikola Tesla is alleged to have stated: “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.”
(Bruh: The Honjo Masamune)

Check out the backstory of the mysterious Honjo Masamune, a Japanese national treasure that went missing at the end of the Second World War. It's presumed to be in the United States; that is, if it still exists and wasn't melted down for its' iron content.
(Bruh: The Busses From Hell)

The ongoing saga of Kelley Kirkpatrick's alleged murder of Julia Dardar entitled: The Busses From Hell.
(Bruh: Dead Internet Theory)

Here is my page to the Dead Internet Theory. As the theory goes, "The Dead Internet Theory is a loose term used to describe a range of changes and oddities in the structure and content of the internet, which have become increasingly prevalent in the last decade."
(Museum: TriforceGuy)

Introducing into the 'Bruh' Saga... the story of the infamous hacker, TriforceGuy. This guy is quite the object of fascination. He was one part successful ROM hacking pioneer, one part paranoid schizophrenic. I always enjoyed my encounters with this character.

>Check out Gary Rome's new book, Asylum, available on Amazon and at Barnes & Noble. FAIR WARNING: This book is a family friendly adventure pretty graphic in nature. Are you brave enough to enter the Asylum? If so, click on one of the cover images below to order a copy today!

Amazon - Asylum by Gary Rome Barnes & Noble - Asylum by Gary Rome

Not everything you find in the Land of Hatman is going to be bright and cheery!

If you're okay with that, you can chat with us on IRC @ irc.windfyre.net/#504

Make sure you have an IRC client installed or the link will not work. Be sure to search "IRC" for one in your App Store if you are an Android or iPhone user. (I personally use AndroIRC to connect.) If you are a Windows user, check out the mIRC Client by Khaled Mardam-Bey.


This webpage and its' content, except for items or articles in which the Archive links are provided, various memes featured, or anything else on the webpage noted as created by someone else, is © 2020-2025 Jay T. Hatman. All rights reserved.

You may contact Jay T. Hatman directly by texting (313) 504-5041. Phone calls will be ignored and flagged for spam.

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