Fan Music

     Never heard of a fan music section before? Well, it's never really been done before. Although this section may sound a bit strange, it's your chance to mix up some instruments, change a few notes, and become a great musician, or listen to other people's compositions who have attempted this before.

     If you have a musical score you'd like to see posted up here (must be in midi format), feel free to send it right on to, and we'll get it up as soon as you can. But until then, feel free to check out the other songs here!

The Echoing Forest by Belgarath.
The Underwater Serenade by Belgarath.
The Chinese Bolero by Belgarath.
Zelda's Lullaby by Belgarath.
Temple of Time Choir by Belgarath.
castle1 by Eric Rutter.
castle2 by Eric Rutter.
darkworld1 by Eric Rutter.
egg by Eric Rutter.
fairy by Eric Rutter.
house by Eric Rutter.
hyrulecastle by Eric Rutter.
intro by Eric Rutter.
kokirivillage by Eric Rutter.
lightworld by Eric Rutter.
lostwood by Eric Rutter.
mabe by Eric Rutter.
market by Eric Rutter.
moblin by Eric Rutter.
mountain by Eric Rutter.
rain by Eric Rutter.
trendy by Eric Rutter.
villa by Eric Rutter.
Windfis2 by Eric Rutter.
woods by Eric Rutter.
Zelda 2 Palace by Katherine Ingram.
Zelda 1 Underworld by Katherine Ingram.
Zelda 1 Ending by Katherine Ingram.
Zelda 4 Woods by Katherine Ingram.
Zelda 2 Town Remix by Katherine Ingram.
Dark World (Band Version) by Kent Bogar.
Remix 1 by Charlie Lemmink
Remix 2 by Charlie Lemmink
Remix 3 by Charlie Lemmink
Remix 4 by Charlie Lemmink
Remix 5 by Charlie Lemmink
Remix 6 by Charlie Lemmink
Remix 7 by Charlie Lemmink
Remix 8 by Charlie Lemmink
Remix 9 by Charlie Lemmink
Remix 10 by Charlie Lemmink

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