Your search for the ultimate all - around Legend of Zelda page is
over. The Golden Land, which is updated every weekday, has loads of information on each game on
the series of games known as "The Legend of Zelda".
Throughout the various pages of The Golden Land, you'll find
detailed tips on the games, the history of Hyrule, and tons of fun in Link's House.
The Main section, where you are now, is just the miscellaneous
section of the site. If there's something that we cannot figure out where to put it, it will go
here. You'll find pages like the Knights of the Round Table, About the Site, and Editorials
here. This is basically just a good starting point for your venture through the site.
The next section is the Games section. In this part, there is
loads of information on the games of the series, as well as detailed coverage of the History of
all the games. The games currently covered are "The Legend of Zelda," "The Adventure of Link,"
and "Ocarina of Time." The other two games will be covered soon enough, though.
And finally comes Link's House. Link's House contains all the
interactive pages of the site. And there are quite a few original sections here, while even the old
ones are still loads of fun. Some highlights of this section include the Ongoing Story and the
Quizzes. But be sure to check it out, for there will always be lots to do there.
But basically, just enjoy yourself here. We've worked all summer
to create the absolute best Legend of Zelda page on the Internet, and hopefully, you'll
acknowledge this by visiting whenever we update. But there is so much to do here, that visiting
every weekday, or even more depending on if you visit the message board, shouldn't be a problem!
Friday, July 23rd, 1999 at 11:32 AM EST.
- Hello all, Charlie Lemmink here...
I know you're all wondering, Why the heck isn't this lazy bum updating?! Well, it's quite difficult when you're computer resets ITSELF every ten minutes or so. It was fine before I left, but who knows what my parents and sisters did to it... Anyway, we're finally seriously looking into getting a new computer. We've been to the Gateway store, Best Buy, Computer City, Comp USA, and I think one more... And there are a few we're considering. If we don't get a new one by Monday or Tuesday, I'll just backup some stuff, format the C drive, and start over again. That usually helps. But I'm definitely going to try to just get a new one... No matter what, we definitely need one. Anyway, wish me luck, and I'll see you all on Tuesday or Wednesday!
Saturday, July 3rd, 1999 at 11:55 PM EST.
- Well, it's a bit late because of a heck of a lot of packing Charlie had to do today, but the update is finally here!
- The first thing on the agenda was an update to the Ongoing Story. Don't just submit a tiny little submission; you have until the 21st, so make a big one! Take your time! I want it to take me ten minutes to download my mail there are so many great submissions! And any that are over four pages or so will get posted no matter what; as an alternative ending. So make the ending to this story the best one we've EVER HAD!
And for any of the long ones, just send your story in an e-mail to The form provided on the Ongoing Story page may not be enough for your long submission!
- And our final thing for our final update in quite some time is a mailbag addition! All my 'farewell messages' are posted there, so be sure to give it a read!
- Until the 21st!
Updated on Thursday, July 1st, 1999 at 11:50 PM EST.
- While it'd obviously be nice to add on to the Ongoing Story on the second to last day before a two week break, we've decided to make today a pure FanFic Day. So enjoy today's submissions; if you don't read them all now, it'll give you plenty to go into the break with! None of the new submissions have the fancy titles, but this has saved time to add more fanfic!
- Today's additions are as follows:
Chapter 1 of "Link Becomes a Sage," by Baron Minky,
Chapter 1 of "The Legend of Zelda: The Medallions of Elements.," by Yan Zhao,
Prologue to "A New Adventure," by Kenneth Finney,
Prologue to "The Plague," by Robert Forsberg,
Chapter 1 of "A New Beginning," by Trent Hanley,
Chapter 1 of "A Prince's Quest," by Brent Williams, and
Chapter 1 of "Race for Epona," by Magmar712.
- And by the way... Today's Fan Fiction update put us over the 300 mark... Best of luck, Hyrule... ;)
Updated on Wednesday, June 30th, 1999 at 11:55 PM EST.
- Well, the OS continues... And it hasn't been ended quite yet! Today's Ongoing Story addition kept it going for a while longer, so be sure to give it a read!
- The response to yesterday's mailbag update was so great, that we now have enough letters to update it again! So check out the Mailbag section and send in any comments you have to today's update!
- And an editorial for all of you... The (no longer) Fine Art of Cheating, by Rita Frantz. Read it. Just Read it.
Updated on Tuesday, June 29th, 1999 at 11:40 PM EST.
- Despite what you may be expecting, today's update does not start with an add-on to the Ongoing Story. Everyone seems to want to end this thing, so we figure that we should wait a while to get the perfect ending. So be sure to send in your submission so that this one can end and a brand new one can begin!
- Now for the real addition to the update... For the first time in quite a while, the Mailbag has been updated! So be sure to give it a read, and send in your thoughts on any of the topics discussed!
- Ah, and the 'present' from Belgarath for today... Two more of his excellent midis! Click here or here to listen to The Underwater Serenade and The Echoing Forest, respectively, or click here to go to the fan music section.
- And just a bit of site news to tell, straight from the mouth of Charlie Lemmink...
Hello everyone! Just thought I'd let you all know in advance of the upcoming 'happenings' of the site and my life... On the fourth of July, I'll be leaving for quite some time. That afternoon, I'll be climbing aboard a long white plane, ready to begin my voyage to Europe! The Northview band and I will be stopping in the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Germany once again (can you tell I'm reading the itinerary right now? ;), Switzerland, France, and then back to the Netherlands!
I don't know how many European readers this site has, but if any of you living in those countries hear about the Northview band playing nearby your home, please stop by and give a listen! And feel free to say 'hey'; I'd love to meet any of you!
I'll return on the 18th, so expect updates a few days after that. I would update the next day, but you must understand that I'll need some time to situate myself and get used to the change in time and everything! Heh... I'm turning this into a 'good-bye' a bit too soon! There's still the rest of the week to update, so see ya mañana!
Updated on Monday, June 28th, 1999 at 11:50 PM EST.
- As usual, today's update begins with an addition to the Ongoing Story. Be sure to check it out and send in your next submission...
- Our next addition comes as an editorial. It's called "Prelude to Unity... Or disaster?", and it's been written by Astral Ad'Galbraith. Definitely read it.
- And for some fan fiction, we've added chapter 4 to Ted Anderson's "Power of the Weak." As you all should know, he's an excellent writer, so you best give it a peek.
- Expect more tomorrow, including something from Belgarath and more! So see ya then!
Updated on Friday, June 25th, 1999 at 11:55 PM EST.
- Today's update is begun with a detailed and well-written update to the Ongoing Story. Be sure not to miss today's... As said above, it's very nice.
- Our next addition to today's update is a ten-day-old editorial written by Belgarath. It's called "What Has Happened to the Message Board?," and is most certainly worth a read. It seems that the message board has improved since then, but there's always the possibility of this happening again, so... Just read it.
- If you'd EVER like to see another update to the Mailbag again, then visit the Mailbag section and send in a letter! We have two in waiting right now, and that's not enough for an update! So send some in so we can update it!
- And to not leave out an addition to Link's Bookcase, we've added a story by Saruman of all Colors, "The Tale of the Shadowed Realm." Be sure to give it a read.
- Before we call it a week, we just have to remind you of two things... Be sure to check out the
Fusion Gaming Network, and if you have a website, sign up to be hosted! If you don't have a website, check out the message boards; there's a pretty popular topic going on over there titled "N64 vs. PSX"...
And just one final thing... If you haven't yet had a chance to do so, be sure to visit " and make money while surfing the web!
- See ya's Monday!
Sorta updated on Friday, June 25th, 1999 at 4:40 AM EST.
- Hello all, Charlie here...
I'm guessing you're wondering two things. Why I'm up this late (or should I say early...), and why there wasn't an update
today (or again, should I say yesterday...). Well, today, the
Fusion Gaming Network launches! I'm a part of the staff, and
I was helping out all day. So that's my excuse! I figured that since Ice has gotten away with this, I could do the same...
Be sure to give Fusion Gaming a visit; it's most DEFINITELY worth
your time!
Updated on Wednesday, June 23rd, 1999 at 11:30 PM EST.
- Me again... I know it sounds cheesy to be saying this over and over again, but I can't believe that NO ONE has signed
up for the money-maker yet! It's a free 16 bucks! I'm not pressuring you into it or anything, but I just can't believe that none of you have signed up yet...
Anyway, if you'd like to give it a go, all you have to do is visit If the server isn't responding, just
reload a few times; they've been overwhelmed with visitors wanting to make an easy $16 or so. But if you don't want the money... Whatever.
- On with the update. As usual, we present to you yet another addition to the
Ongoing Story. Be sure to read it and submit your portion to it!
- Another addition to today's update is an EXCELLENT midi that was again written by Belgarath, called the "Chinese
Bolero. Either get to it in the Fan Music section, or click
here to listen to the midi right now.
- And we couldn't forget Chapter 10 of
Quest of Tenilexsia or Ride into the Temple of Hell by Triforceguy to complete his
- Hasta mañana!
Updated on Tuesday, June 22nd, 1999 at 11:55 PM EST.
- Charlie here yet again... Just thought I'd remind you all of the great deal I've just joined...
I just joined a giant network in which you are PAID, yes, PAID to surf the web. They offer a whopping 40 cents for every hour you spend surfing the Internet, with a maximum of 40 hours per month, plus up to 20 cents per hour for referrals! Even without referrals, that's $16 per month just for using their browser, a browser that hardly takes up any of your browsing space anyway. So visit the site for it with this URL:
And you'll start to make money for what you've been doing forever anyway--browsing the web!
Sorry to bore all you people that've joined already with that, but it really is a great deal... I'm not just doing it
because it makes me money too, it also makes you a ton!
- Anyway... Today's update starts with another update to the Ongoing Story. We're all
liking this return to normal in the updates... How 'bout you?
- The next section that's been updated is the Links Page. And a whopping 12
links have been added! So be sure to check out all the sites there!
- And to top the update off, we've added
Chapter 9 to Quest of Tenilexsia or Ride into the Temple of Hell by Triforceguy.
More tomorrow!
- Oh, and one more thing... Hi to Jason Bowman, from Mr. Lemmink.
Updated on Monday, June 21st, 1999 at 11:50 PM EST.
- Hello all, Charlie here, as usual...
Just thought you should all know what's been going on... I'm sorry about no update on Friday, but I really had no
chance for one. My sisters decided to sit at the computer from 10 AM until well after I left for work at 5 PM, leaving
me absolutely no time at all to update the site. But don't worry, there's plenty in store in today's update, so you
should be all set. But before the update begins, a SMART idea for all of you to try...
I just joined a giant network in which you are PAID, yes, PAID to surf the web. They offer a whopping 40 cents for every hour you spend surfing the Internet, with a maximum of 40 hours per month, plus up to 20 cents per hour for referrals! Even without referrals, that's $16 per month just for using their browser, a browser that hardly takes up any of your browsing space anyway. So visit the site for it with this URL:
And you'll start to make money for what you've been doing forever anyway--browsing the web!
- Ok. Today's update begins with an update to the Ongoing Story. Be sure to get your
submission in, this one ends soon!
- Seeing as though almost everyone hated the idea for special days for updates, we've totally canned that idea.
We'll still occasionally give you mp3's of the songs for your listening enjoyment, but not on a set day, and maybe not
on a weekly basis. So the next thing we've updated, for the first time in a LONG time, is the
Fan Music page. Belgarath has submitted two midi's he has composed, so
go check them out! They're great!
- Another area that's been updated, an area that hasn't been in quite some time, is Link's Bookcase. Additions to
the bookcase today include:
Chapter 1 of The Politics of War, by Ted Anderson, and
Chapter 8 of Quest of Tenilexsia or Ride into the Temple of Hell, by Triforceguy.
- Well, that was the first decent update we've had in a while! As long as you all keep visiting, they'll all stay
like this, too! So stay tuned!
Of course, The Golden Land has been updated many times before this, but these are placed on the Updates
page. If you would like to view the Updates of the past (including the enormous Z-Day update), either click on the news button to
the upper right, or simply click here.
- The Golden Land
- Mole Day Page
- Brief page which covers information on the chemistry holiday, Mole Day.
- Includes links to "whack - a - mole" type games.
No other sites up currently, but future sites may include a remake of the webmaster's homepage,
a Zelda Spin - Off page, and a Northview hockey site. Check here frequently for updates on all
the sites on this domain.
